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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. I was thinking the other day, as I was looking at my guitar amp and looking at its Master knob which stands for master volume, that it'd be cool if that knob said Massa as it does incidentally have another amp slaving to it And a squirt of super glue
  2. On behalf of my people.. who gives a s#!t
  3. I was gonna say you only have that many days won because of your post count in just 1.5 years - almost 4,000 posts - but then I looked at Bapu's post count, also in 1.5 years, of over 87,000 posts.. that's approx 4,800 posts a month compared to Craig's 200 posts a month. 87,000 posts in 1.5 years and only 5 days won out of all that? Shameful. And those post counts have to have been carried over from the old forum. Right? What am I missing?
  4. I was thinking it was because of compunction so this actually dovetails with that
  5. Pounding booze and eating ribs and this occurred to me so thought I'd ask.
  6. A mod.. you know what I mean lol
  7. Lol yeah it says a moderatelor has to approve it
  8. This? http://www.sysexdb.com/synth_detail.aspx?dv=39
  9. It's like showing up to a potluck with nothing and saying "What's to eat?"
  10. Looks like there may be a small issue with it though he'll likely fix it soon if it's true https://www.kvraudio.com/product/nils-k1v-by-nils-schneider
  11. And when King does return do you think he'll be proud of what transpired here in his absence? Like, were we a good steward of his deal thread and did we do him proud? And by "we" I mean all you other cats who posted a deal as I didn't post a d@mn thing ?
  12. Well dig this Lemar.. if it comes to it I'll arrange for you to step in full time. That cool? Cool. Oh you didn't ask for this? It asked for you bro
  13. Does it work well, I mean is it buggy at all?
  14. Dope, I love 80's synth!
  15. You gotta be high to enjoy that. I actually dig it.
  16. V1. Which reminds me, they recently upgraded me to v. 2. Oh I don't know maybe I'll check out the POG octaver on it but I doubt I'll bother beyond that and may not even do that. Just too little too late now.
  17. If you're just starting out on guitar you'll really dig the Brainworx amps. Brainworx amps are good regardless especially if you can get one for $9.99 - just saying if you're just starting out then you're not all jaded like me, where a guy like me has to have the absolute best, so something like Amplitube and BIAS FX is no good mainly because I hate suites but especially in the case of BIAS FX, it's just garbage and these are just my opinions btw. Actually, you wanna talk to guy who thinks most amp sims are garbage talk to @ensconced lol, I agree w/ him on a lot of stuff in that regard, but I'll say that imo if you want the best then be looking at Nembrini, some Brainworx (also by Nembrini), Neural dsp. Nembrini should be having an 80% off sale soon and you can get his Marshall amp for $27 then (usually $137) and it's the absolute best Marshall on the market. Something like Amplitube and BIAS are basically the McDonald's and Jack in the Box of amp sims. My opinions. I hate suites.
  18. What type of music do you play? ENGL are good for metal - I have no experience w/ Engl, but I'd definitely get the Chandler, it's a unique amp among the rest. I scored the Chandler as I use Nembrini stuff for metal (doom). https://honestampsimreviews.com/2018/12/02/brainworx-engl-e765-rt/ https://honestampsimreviews.com/2018/12/02/brainworx-engl-e646-vs/ https://honestampsimreviews.com/2018/12/01/brainworx-chandler-gav19t/
  19. Didn't we get this free recently with some Plugin Boutique purchase? Do I not already have this? Who here is keeping track of what I have and don't have? Not I apparently
  20. Well I don't really have a go to for that type of thing yet so I'd seek to use it. Plus it'd be free, as it comes with Indent 2 for free and I don't really need the orange ds1. The orange ds1 is probably up for free right now somewhere on kvr lol
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