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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Excuse my dissent as I had forgotten why we do this. Placing order now.
  2. I wanted to buy some of these but after listening to the demos it's clear I've already got these sounds and better, which Reid previously pointed out
  3. So not a super exciting 12doc this year
  4. Idk, I feel like that sentence supports Paulo's remark
  5. With Kontakt and all the other NI synths anyway, when you save a preset it creates a preset file you can keep in a folder and I've got a bunch of categorized folders (Pads, Organs etc). Some time ago I spent a few weeks going through all the presets of all my NI synths including the Kontakt factory library and saved the ones I liked into categorized folders and I also renamed each preset to indicate what type of sound a given one is, so I get a lot of info w/o even hearing the preset. So for sounds I just go to those folders and it's quick and easy to audition say a whole folder full of my own plucks presets in Kontakt and same for the other NI synths. It was tedious mining those presets but I did it over time and it's translated to me now having all of my best gem presets from all my synths all in one place, so anytime I'm choosing from any of those presets I'm choosing from cherry picked stuff right off the bat. And I'm getting my gat dang money's worth from the synths I own.
  6. Great video Reid. Yeah I actually go through every single preset of my synths but then the synths I get (such as Synth Magic) don't have thousands of presets so it's totally doable over the course of a few weeks, a little each day. I save all the presets I like into categories, and I've litteraly mined all of my synths, including what came with Komplete 10, for all the "best" sounds and saved those preset files into categorized folders. So e.g. I can have a "Plucks" folder that maybe has 50 different plucks from maybe 13 different synths. These days I don't even go directly to my synths anymore but I go straight to those folders for whatever sound I want and instantly call up whatever synth generates whatever sound.
  7. My grapes are better than your grapes. Yours seem especially sour
  8. Probably isn't useful anyway. I probably wouldn't even have liked it. I got other stuff to install anyway and this would've just got in the way. Besides, I
  9. They responded? When will they do what we want?
  10. @Tezza yes tell Kuassa this on kvr because now that you mention it it does kinda suck
  11. I'm the only one who cares about this lol
  12. Price is only "right" if this thing is useful to whoever paid the "right" price lol.
  13. Does this update the current scaler installation w/o hassle or is this like a whole new installation?
  14. Got it, and my email for Carousel says free unlimited so doesn't that mean it will be available throughout the duration?
  15. So when is the free thing offered? I'm following the thread but that's not clear to me. Something about the last few minutes of the countdown clock?
  16. That's a good price for the 8dio, but is there really any point in owning it if you have the Soniccouture vibes?
  17. Lame. Well anyway I sold my Ozone 9 Advanced and my Nectar 3 so I will be getting those apps back when I get MPS4 and the money I made off those can be discounted from whatever I pay for MPS4.
  18. I'm trying to get into the Izotope Music Production Suite 4 bundle w/o currently owning any "Advanced" or "Standard" Izotope products. Currently I have only Elements and other paid Izotope products like Trash etc. and I know they sometimes do the "upgrade from any paid Izotope product" w/ these bundles, and that'd be the deal I'd be looking for. Right now JRR has MPS4 @ $254 (w/ code) as an upgrade from any "Advanced" product so I don't qualify for that deal. I'm not familiar w/ pricing trends on MPS4 when trying to upgrade to it w/o owning any previous "Advanced" stuff. Izotope is offering me a Loyalty upgrade to MPS4 for $300.. But can I possibly do better than that @ JRR if I wait till Christmas/New Years or even President's Day?
  19. http://www.soniccouture.com/en/products/ That vibraphone--one of the best available--I've been wanting is usually $129, now 50% off @ $64.50. Sale lasts throughout December.
  20. Yeah I'm feeling that actually. I almost feel like I have to buy it at that price. Would you ever use any of the sounds in the final production?
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