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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Larry's not coming back. I'm in charge now.
  2. I'm probably gonna do the Scarbee as well for $50. In the YouTuber demos it had a fuller sound than others it was being compared to. Plus there's any number of amp sims and effects I'll run it through. FWIW I emailed Greg at OTS today to ask about the Bb3 - B3 issue on the Famous E and I'll report back what he says. I'll probably not be getting the Famous E myself though, mainly cuz I don't think it's the sound I'm after. Oh but the history! ?
  3. Hey man, can you (or anyone else) tell me more about Canterbury? Mainly I just want to know how adjustable the sound is.. I mean, I've checked it out on YouTube, but it seems kind of a dark sounding instrument.. is that adjustable? Like, can you make Canterbury sparkle and chime too or is it mostly just a dark-ish gritty sound? Cuz I've changed my mind a bit about what I said in another thread the other day about how most EPs seemed to be the same to me more or less, quality-wise (not sound per se). Now that I've revisited the EPs I've got in Komplete, I'd like to pick up something else, and I like dark and gritty but I want brilliance and sparkle too when I want it and I'd like to get all that from just one EP. I do have the OTS Famous E in my cart from the group buy and have till the end of July to buy it at $71 something if I want. Then there's the Scarbee Classic EP-88S on sale for $50. But I'd be down to wait till end of the year for something closer to 50% off of Canterbury.
  4. Idk, $30 off $149 for Canterbury suitcase I don't think is enough. Does anyone remember Soniccouture's last sale? It wasn't too long ago and in that sale I scored Vibraphone for around $80 something I think but I don't recall exactly, but that library is usually $129. I'm just wondering if Soniccouture themselves won't have a better sale than this of their own later this year. I think I scored the Vibes around holiday season
  5. Yeah I've read up on the history of the Famous E, but I was more asking if sound-wise it (the OTS version) really is that much better than the Scarbee. I mean while I definitely dig history and all that I don't care about it at the end of the day when we're talking about the quality of sound of the actual sample library, which is all that really matters to me.
  6. So you own a different, older version of the Scarbee Classic EP-88S? Yeah I have Komplete 12 and the Vintage Keys in it have a Scarbee 200 I think. You're saying this Classic EP-88S should be better?
  7. Is that a matter of your taste or is the Famous E well known to be head and shoulders better than that Scarbee? (I haven't researched that specifically)
  8. @Fleer are you seeing this problem that this guy Virtuoso reported where there's a sudden change between Bb3 and B3? You can see his post and audio example here https://vi-control.net/community/threads/orange-tree-model-e-rhodes.94529/post-4596993 He also reported excessive hiss that made the OTS Famous E unusable to him, but if you look at this thread here starting w/ this post https://vi-control.net/community/threads/the-famous-e-electric-piano-available-now-from-orange-tree-samples.95739/post-4597156 , on page 2 Greg from OTS responded and commented on the hiss issue, and towards the end of that second page both Virtuoso and Greg confirm that to his issue has been fixed... but nothing about a fix for the sudden change in velocity from Bb3 to B3 as reported in that first link up there. Are you or anyone else finding this velocity issue w/ the two Bs?
  9. I think you just need a pedicure brother
  10. Lol why don't you guys just marry Larry.. that's probably why he *really* took that sabbatical.. y'all are too clingy
  11. From the email: "Hello everyone, Just to let you know that there is a sale on at Loot audio for the Castle-Instruments products that I made in collaboration with Divergent/Loot audio. https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/castle-instruments " -------------------------------------- Steve (dev at Synth Magic) makes some of the best synths I own and he's about the most talented preset creator I've come across. Here's his store btw. No real sales there at the moment but his stuff isn't super pricey to begin with. (Btw, if you want a synth that sounds like an old movie get the Logan) http://synthmagic.com/store.html
  12. Until 'recent' times, no one ever even heard of "too many pianos." Look at it along these lines: life was better and cooler, richer, and had more soul and vibe when we didn't have smartphones. Unfortunately, I have great difficulty getting through life now without my smartphone. But before it came along, things were just fine.. better even. Like how I used to spend hours hanging out and browsing in record stores and now.. where is a record store?! Everything is downloaded now, quick and easy and immediate and all while on the go.. and with no soul or vibe. When I came up in the late 80's/early 90's in Seattle, even the guitar players in Soundgarden and Pearl Jam--even in the studio--didn't have a hundred different guitar amps at their disposal like dad does now, digitally. There's too much now, and while I don't want it all I'm also mad that I can't have it all and my peace and enjoyment of how great things used to be when we had little is ruined in that regard. Yes; too many pianos indeed. Now let me have a look at his video as I'm still in the market for one
  13. I hear you. And not to keep beating this thing or veering further into the weeds but since you mentioned it lol--neither Greg nor any other developer needs to ask for special consideration when they give a YouTuber a free product for review, and they can even demand honesty; it's just human nature to give a biased review on something that was free and that's simply out of Greg's and every other company's control, though generally it tends to work in their favor. I know that's cynical, but. I doubt most reputable companies that send free product to YouTubers for review expressly tell them that they want a favorable review in exchange. Still there's that innate bias there and there's no getting around that. I'll check out that Corey guy though and I've subscribed, thanks for the tip. Lol you know I recently bought an 8 quart pot w/ lid off Amazon. It came with a postcard that said "post a review on Amazon, take a screenshot of your review, send it to this email address and you'll get a free product in exchange" and the free product looked to be a nice set of measuring spoons. So I leave a review stating that the pot is decent but the lid is s#!t. I screenshotted and sent them that and now I'm afraid I'm not gonna get my gat dang measuring spoons ?
  14. Yeah I certainly agree about the YouTuber set's inability to be trusted - it's the same deal with Amazon reviews et al and always will be. Quality of the OTS E and others aside though, and generally speaking, how do we know these legendary session players aren't being compensated for their testimonials? Sounds dubious, and I don't know that any stock should be put into those endorsements either.
  15. Lol you still never told me what your favorite acoustic piano library is. That was when you were testing NOIRE. I said "if someone had a gun to your head and was forcing you to pick a single favorite, what would it be?" - but instead of you breaking down and picking a favorite you used an emoticon to act like you got your brains blown out lol
  16. Lol are we talking about old Gibsons or new Gibsons
  17. What am I missing w/ the OTS E piano? With E pianos and organs, for me anyway, I've just always had a hard time really telling them apart quality-wise when were talking about, say, the E pianos and organs available in Komplete.. there's a lot of great ones of both in there and I just don't see how this OTS E piano even at 60% off stands above those in Komplete. Again I often feel the same about organs too. I watched and listened to the demos of this OTS e piano and I just don't get what's special about it over what many of us already have. Again that's just me, but yeah. I may not be an electric piano aficionado but take a great E piano from Komplete, use as is or run it through some great effects and I just don't see what I'm missing.
  18. Yeah that's how I got slide acoustic that cheap. After orange slices and surveys I had an extra 29% off. Too bad I didn't want anything else when I got the slide. I thought maybe the banjo but not right now. I do want it but how many times am I gonna cover Warrant's Uncle Tom's Cabin anyway.
  19. I pulled off Bass Pear for $23 and change and SLIDE Acoustic for $25 and smaller change. That's my first stuff ever from OTS. Thanks Greg.
  20. Don't forget the orange slices you got from that so you can come back and get yourself something else from the deal real quick, maybe take a survey first then get something else
  21. Way cool man what are you liking out of that?
  22. 1494. We're gonna make it guys. I knew we would.
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