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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Yeah my issue with being unable to flat tune that other upright bass library I talked about, I was told that that and more is totally possible and easy with Ample Upright
  2. Yeah that one's cool.. do you have their Upright too? I think it's like $120 when not on sale and around $98 when it is.
  3. Have you tried Ovox w/o Riser in the project at all? Well at least Waves is aware and says they're working on it I guess..
  4. Yeah I had considered Bass Pair before but Bitflipper told me something about it that totally turned me off to it.. don't remember what he said exactly but I think it was also said by him or someone else that Ample Sound Upright is the one to go for if you don't already have something like Trillian. I wanted to be able to to tune the upright flat, to Eb, which Straight Ahead Bass would not let me do. Anyway.
  5. Yeah, to doubt @Fleer is almost--not quite, but almost--like somewhere in the vicinity--like maybe not necessarily *in* the ballpark, but like tailgating right outside of the park--as bad as one of us thinking we got the lowdown on something that King Lar hasn't already posted like two days ago lol. That said, I've one-uped King Lar in that regard once or twice. Once I think ?
  6. Lol yep, cuz I wasn't gonna buy it unless it reached 60% off. I'm already 2k into a new baritone guitar build I'm doing and really don't need this deal. I simply saw this OTS deal on Facebook and recalled they had a lap steel, so I went to the site to see it and saw that it could be $31 and well, s#!t why not right? I figured maybe grab it at that price and I can do some crazy stuff with it, like shove it through octavers and choruses and use your imagination. And regarding the "must buy something" assumption; well, I put the lap steel in my cart and no pop up message or anything appeared to try to make me commit later. So as is, even without that 'no obligation' confirmation from Greg the owner, I don't see how they could have forced me to follow through with any kind of transaction anyway, I mean they don't have my credit card and they can't force PayPal, so that was never a concern. Well I suppose they could ban me from ever purchasing anything from them for not following through but that wouldn't be smart business lol
  7. If you're still unsure, you can give *me* those orange slices and I'll confirm for you whether or not they work ?
  8. Do you own it? That's too much for that I think
  9. Yeah I getcha. I'm typically not a fan of mix ready sounds anyway except for in the case of some electronic drums. I'm all set then, I've got a Novation SL61 MKIII
  10. By "last lib I don't own" do you mean the last library you don't own from Orange Tree Samples or the last library you don't own out of all the world's sample libraries? ?
  11. Hmm well that's ok I guess, I mean my electric guitar is not mix ready all on its own either so if I just look at it along them lines.. besides I don't know that I would want this thing to be mix ready anyway as I want to put it through all kinds of weird effects and amp sims so it would be good to start with the natural sound. But thanks yeah I'll be picking up this lap steel.
  12. What are the chances anyway that this group buy gets up to the 1500 needed to get the full 60% off? There's still 13 days and currently up to 515..
  13. So something like this then? Well the OTS lap steel should be around $32 w/ this sale..
  14. Well OTS has a lap steel IIRC, I don't do country but check this guy out.. this is what I'd do with it, send it through octaves and wobbly chorus pedals and an HM2 lol
  15. @Marshall hmm. Well have you been able to get a good chime from any other amp sim?
  16. Yeah I'll have a look. As a guitar player though I refuse to go anywhere near a guitar library, though I also play keys and I've got plenty of keys libraries but that's not the same imo.. keys, whether you play a real synthesizer or samples on a midi keyboard, it's still keys. But a guitar is not keys and so triggering a guitar from a midi keyboard is just a big turn-off to me and I can't get my mind around it. Though, as I do mess with a little southern goth dark blue grass maybe I'll pick up the banjo... and trigger that from a midi keyboard *sigh*.. I know
  17. I kind of forgotten about these guys for a minute.. any recommended libraries from them?
  18. @Marshall maybe I missed it but why didn't the Nembrini Vox work out for you? I haven't tried it but in general I could maybe use a really good chimey amp, idk though.. maybe when he comes out with version 2 of it ?
  19. I've found this to pretty much be gospel. Amp sims--aside from the sound they're modelling--are a totally different beast when it comes to plugging into one with all the various gain-staging stars that need to be aligned, not to mention devices like the DI box you use, vs just plugging into the front of a real life amp. The modeled sound, if done right, may be very close if not indiscernible from the real thing, but how you get there with an amp sim can have a huge impact on whether or not it sounds good to you vs the real thing. I'm reading more and more producers saying that they hate to admit it but that they stopped micing up real amps and are just using top of the line amp sims these days to get the job done, because to their ears pulling out the big amp is not warranted anymore.. not in every single case, but more often than not, they're saying.
  20. As for this Nembrini "Brown Sound" amp.. I never liked Eddie Van Halen's tone.. let me rephrase.. I never wanted his tone for myself, so I totally will pass on this amp. I mean, I've got the MRH810 1 and 2. Don't need this, and I don't collect amps.
  21. Hey Marshall, how've you been man? Yeah, the HASR site is gone and there was a whole thing about it earlier this month on his (Tyler's - the former runner of the HASR website) Facebook HASR amp sim user group, which also pretty much got abandoned as well, though a great number of users in that group are doing their best to revive the Facebook group as well as getting a new website going. Basically Tyler, for personal reasons, pretty much just shut his website down out of the blue one day. He was partnering with a guy named Johan who apparently didn't receive prior warning. Johan has since changed the name of the Facebook group to remove the "HASR" portion and is now temporarily called "The Amp Sim User Group." Johan, with the help of a few members of the Facebook group, is currently working on a new website to replace the popular HASR one. The long short of it was that Tyler was burnt out and said that running the HASR website basically killed his creativity and he just made a rash decision one day to shut it down with no explanation and no goodbye etc. Johan reached out to Tyler and Tyler responded with a detailed letter which he asked Johan to post on his behalf on to the Facebook amp sim group, but that letter has since been deleted, but I read it. In the letter Tyler talked about what he referred to as the ugliness of the amp sim industry which he referred to as "Black box" where a lot of developers don't actually try to simulate the inner workings of an amp but mainly just try to get a close approximation to the overall sound and focus on modeling the output.. Idk, it was all very scientific and over my head, but he also mentioned that he wanted to get back to making original music and stated that running that website just pretty much drained him. The vibe of his letter was basically that he needed to cut and run immediately, kind of like ripping a t-shirt off rather than just taking it off and hanging it up to be worn again later. A lot of the posts and responses to this in that Facebook group were respectful and concerning, and a few others wondered why he would burn his whole legacy down like that in one fell swoop. But pretty much everyone expressed their appreciation for the work that he did do and of course I myself wouldn't have heard of or even tried the Nembrini MRH810 Marshall if it weren't for Tyler and his website. I've chatted with Tyler in the past and he's a totally cool dude all around and he owes no one anything of course. Basically he's just struggling like a lot of us are and needed to find/center himself and be relieved of the thing that was draining him.. not to speak for him or anything, but. Here's a couple of posts from his former partner Johan: "[June 3] Hi everyone. Tyler left the group and pulled the plug on the website a bit unexpectedly. Being the only admin for the group I changed the name to remove the "Honest amp sims reviews" part. The new name is temporary. I'll spend some time the next couple of days to see if there's an interest in keeping the group and continuing reviewing amp sim software. HASR helped me a lot in starting with amp sims and the site was one of the biggest resources for ppl looking for amp sim information. If possible I would like to continue this. I'll post updates here in the group on what's going on." "[June 4] Todays update. Thanks for all your interest and concern guys. I think I never had so many messages in 24 hours before! ? All I've had contact with seem to like this group so it would be silly to delete it. So we'll keep the FB group going just as before. Feel free to continue posting videos, questions and just interact with the nice crowd we have here. I've also had discussions mostly with the new reviewers Tyler appointed before leaving. We have decided to put up a new site, continue the reviewing and try to make it just as good a resource for amp sim lovers as HASR was, maybe even better.. Stay tuned for further developments on that."
  22. What's so great about Scheps 73?
  23. I'm gonna have to look into what the deal with felt piano is as I haven't paid it much attention. What are some of its most useful.. uses?
  24. Why do I need a felt piano again?
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