An Original Collaboration
Bonus question:
Which bass do you think I played?
a) Kala Uke Bass
b) Warwick Thumb Bass
iii) The bass which is not to be spoken of as people will not believe I own one
4) Fender P-Bass
e) Rick
6) Schecter Jazz Bass
vii) Red StingRay
viii) Green StingRay
9) Hofner
x) Gibson EB-3
11) Epiphone Jack Cassady
I slept in my Strawberry Alarm Clock t-shirt and woke to the smell of incense and pepeermint
I slept in my Chambers Brothers t-shirt and woke up and realized Time had come today
I slept in Johnny Cash t-shirt and I woke up in a Ring of Fire with a Boy Named Sue telling me to Walk The Line
Justin Frankel is considered stoopidly rich from the sale of Winamp and does not need the money. I suspect his team members are well paid and dedicated to the 'cause'.