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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I have not started the course yet. I only signed up yesterday and have been exploring "the community" so far. I intend to start the course tomorrow. Maybe @Yan Filiatrault can elaborate for now.
  2. I'll see you in the community @Yan Filiatrault IOW, Installed!
  3. Of course. (NOT) Installed!
  4. New Bees - Deals - Cakewalk Discuss | The Official Cakewalk by BandLab Forum
  5. PA hooked me up. IOW Installed!
  6. Bapu

    Prominy V-Metal

    Fixed by installing via Native Access.
  7. Bapu

    Prominy V-Metal

    Actually, it is........ Installed!
  8. Bapu

    Prominy V-Metal

    @Tim Smith So, I got my case with the serial number. Registered it with Prominy. Went to the download and all that was available was an update. Whaaa? [EDIT] Fixed by installing via Native Access.
  9. Can I run Cakewalks with a Sound Blaster using ASIO4ALL?
  10. Installed! Yeah, I'm a filthy addict.
  11. [sort of] back OT I got around to installing the Cakewalk Product Center and oddly everything did not have a green light. So I installed all but Melodyne Essential (I own MS or whatever it's called these days). And everything still did *not* have a green light. I exited and re-opened. Green lights were aglow.
  12. Aha, I own a perpetual through PA, not DearReality.
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