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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. My only form of exercise since the day I was able to walk as a young tyke
  2. I still have, and use, all things branded Slate including SSD5 (and all Slate add ons) and Trigger2 (and all Slate add ons, even some 3rd party add ons).
  3. CAPTION: I simply can't go on if cclarry is not here
  4. Bapu

    I miss Larry Shelby

    If only there were someone who could keep us up to date on all the sales/deals.......
  5. Bapu

    I miss Larry Shelby

    Yes, but he saved 30% with his JamPointz on that Hot Sauce.
  6. She's shying away from that full price on Komplete 13.
  7. Bapu

    I miss Larry Shelby

    Hear today gone tamale
  8. Bapu

    I miss celery

    His handle was cclarry but now he's Larry Shelby Different day name, same Lars
  9. I meat that dude at a Taco Bell in Burbank in 1975-6ish. He's only a year younger than me. He was getting food with his girlfriend/wife. Well at least with a woman.
  10. "screwing around" and learning a two vastly different things. As others have suggested, try "learning" now. ?
  11. If you've heard the stuff that comes out of my studio I think you would say I should, by golly, have a pooper scooper available at all times.
  12. Yeah, should have been "clean bowels".
  13. And dare I say.... I'll wait until the drop to say more.
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