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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Crazy Sales I will wait for. For whatever reason I'm using RX7 less and less than before.
  2. Too mush green stuph in there Bill
  3. Well, certainly not the singer or..... Nevermind.
  4. Are 8-String guitars trying to eliminate Bass Players? #BassPlayersMatter
  5. Apparently this band is now producing stripped down songs.
  6. This one is missing all the keys
  7. Nope. He showed up in another thread on Saturday or Sunday.
  8. I only see juan problemo with that axe. It has two too many strings.?
  9. If you license a copy ($60, small studio/private user, i.e. you earn < $20K from Reaper) you get the next major update for free.
  10. Slight update: The Reaper complete success playback was on WIN 10. I forgot to say that on my 2015 MacbookPro there were some occasional stutters. I am only using the built in audio on the Macbook Pro. I tried some fiddling with buffers in the Options->Preferences->Audio but not much changed with that. Maybe on the Macbook Pro I need a better interface.
  11. When they play anything by me, none of them sound best. I wonder what the common thread is?
  12. Reaper. Awhile ago I bought a metal mixing tut to see if I could gain some insight form a Pro (Kane Churko). He also provided the full source material fully mixed in ProTools, Live, Logic X, Studio One, FL Studio, Cubase, Reaper, Cakewalk and Digital Performer. The only DAWs I don't own in that list is Live and FL Studio. After ensuring that I indeed had all the plugins he used I proceeded to play the project in ProTools (on Mac and PC), Studio One (on Mac and PC), Cakewalk and Reaper (on Mac and PC). This is a very large project in both track (101) and VSTs (~150 separate instances of various plugs). And, it has 6 instances of the Ana2 synth. The project in all cases of ProTools and Cakewalk would not play for more that 20-45 seconds before crapping out. Reaper played all the way through with no problems. The project was recorded at 24/48 which lets my RME Fireface UFX get a maximum buffers of 2048 (but ProTools cannot even run at more than 1024, an imposed Avid limit). Studio One came in second in that it could run nearly halfway through the song before stuttering a few times and finally stopping. I had hopes it would make it to the end. I had Studio One's reduce dropouts parameter set to Maximum. I had always heard that Reaper was the lightest on CPU of all the best known DAWs. This limited test for me proved that statement to be correct (in this instance). My PC Specs are: Windows 10 64-bit, Intel I7 2600K 3GHz processor, Asus P8P67 Pro (Rev 3.1) mobo, Gigabyte HD 5450 Fanless Video, 32Gb PC1600 Memory My Mac Specs are: Catalina up to date OS, 2Gz Quad Code I7 CPU, 16GB memory, Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB
  13. Disclaimer: I was born in Kenosha.
  14. A man living on the edge of the 20th Century
  15. Are you guys both still using Netscape Navigator?
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