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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. There ae jeans in that picture?
  2. Didn't we agreed you are the gorgeous one and I'm the quiet one?
  3. Bapu

    XLN Sale

    Hey big spender. I wanna party with you.
  4. Sorry to hear your Asus computer is runnimg slow. Prolly not a true DAW build. Better call Jim Roseberry next time.
  5. Pretty Exhaustive Natural Insolent Sea? Hope Bill is ok as well as hundreds of thousands of others.
  6. Speaking of EZBass I wonder when SD3/EZD will be updated to have mixed tempo/sig in the Song Arranger the same way EZBass has.
  7. I'm expecting EZB libs to priced on par with EZK libs. <fingers-crossed>
  8. It's the only way we can get noticed. ?
  9. Catch-22 IMO. Same with IK JammiePointz
  10. Can I sell my $111 in APD dollars?
  11. That will be my price minus $4.95 in bestcoin.
  12. I wish all upgrades for all software was $9.99 (for previous owners of said purchased software)
  13. I stubbed my toe once. ? Oh and there was that paper cut. afterthought: earthquakes no power for weeks
  14. Bapu

    XLN Sale

    Ha Ha. Nope. Just a built in bench that came with the house. My Studio is a converted garage that was move-in ready.
  15. Stay safe Bill. I Am counting on your return.
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