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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. They all sound better than my programmed drums ?
  2. Cool. Almost every Beatles fan has "their" Beatle. John is mine. Always was and always will be. Followed by George. Even though Macca and Ringo are the only Beatles I ever saw live. *Same old story footnote: My sister who did not like the Beatles (then) got to see them in '65/'66 in Chicago with our cousin. I was angry with her for years for not letting me go. I think maybe it was about five years ago I finally forgave her. And then shortly there after that she voted for......nevermind.
  3. In the rain with a ski cap he'd look a lot like you Kenny
  4. I like your demo mate. It's the demo to beat all demos. If I had a demo this good I'd demo it all over town in every demo spot around. ?
  5. Yes, I'm just saying that *if* you don't use presets Sup 3 SDXs offer a deeper roll your own production options.
  6. Production ready kits vs Ability to roll your own deeper production values on the kit. Or so they say.
  7. Bapu


    @S.L.I.P.That's so ABULL in the songs forum.?
  8. When my (now 45 year old son) was three this was one of his favorite songs. And he loved Jean-Luc Ponty's New Country too.
  9. Bapu

    JRR Shop

    I once met one of the writers of that show and he said when they were spit balling ideas for a new show they were high and thought they should create a euphemism for a brothel (that would get past the censors). Apparently they succeeded. Uncle Joe is piano player/bouncer, the three girls initials are all "B.J." (Bobby Jo, Billie Jo and Betty Jo) and the aunt (Kate) is the madam.
  10. Well, when I installed my new desk I thought I would be making the wiring cleaner. It's still a hornets nest back there.
  11. Now that Doc is back do we have to act respectable again?
  12. I always buy all SDXs and all EZXs. Probably won't dig into both until later.
  13. https://www.bestservice.com/sensual_grooves.html
  14. With points I paid $56. Installed.
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