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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I have three threads delete in the last two week. The CH. meh! It ain't what it used to be.
  2. That explains a lot (or alot).
  3. They better see a doctor. Oh wait.....
  4. Well, they updated correctly on the PC, but my MacBook Pro they failed. edit: Went back into my Mac to try and update again and nbow it says I'm up to date. I hope so.
  5. As Paul McCartney once said when asked what kind of strings he used: "the shiny ones"
  6. Yes it it so low (based on where you are playing).
  7. What Straummy said about what Greg said.??
  8. BACK OT M is for Marianne Faithful
  9. Agreed. Let Noel et. al. be the face and spokespersons for CbB. The business model is already in place and has not changed all these years on.
  10. Fool me once, shame on ewes, fool me twice....... We won't get fueld agin.
  11. I find it interesting/cute that the Slate VSX phones are listed in the supported cans.
  12. I find Cubase clunky. I'm pretty much a Studio One user now.
  13. I never really warmed to the prochannel. Can't say why. Just preferred the fx bin.
  14. Nice song. Solos could come up a db or even 2.
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