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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Ya, it would've made a nice gift to someone special.
  2. One man's ceiling is an other man's fancy.
  3. Bapu

    Back on Hiatus

    Lars, I hope the family comes out of this crisis in tact. But something is definitely amiss. I'm still spending money. ?
  4. And yes, I have 3 dongles. Prolly TMI for craigb (ITIHRN).
  5. I'm not afraid of subscriptions. I embrace them where they make sense.
  6. We were too poor to have leaves when I was in 2nd grade. Can't get more downhill than that I'd think.
  7. I find that surprising given your avatar. ?
  8. Bapu

    Nembrini Voice DC30

    I got that far. Registered it to my USB device, no problem. The problem is I can't yet use any purchased modules without them being in Demo mode. I'm going to assume it's because they don't work weekends for manual activations or their activation server(s) are down.
  9. Bapu

    Nembrini Voice DC30

    So I thought I'd enter into the ReValver fray. 1. Downloaded Revalver and installed it. 2. Purchased some amps and cabs (two different orders, one included RIR2) I have yet to receive any activation codes and thus everything loads in Demo mode. A little disappointed I must say. It's been over 12 hours since I made the purchases.
  10. I'll need my Buck Rogers secret decoder ring to sus out the hidden message there.
  11. So I can lord #10 over craigb (ITIHRN).
  12. Best free crash days you've ever had? Having not had to pay for them.
  13. Bapu

    Nembrini Voice DC30

    Since I own everything else, might as well bite on this one too.
  14. I'm kind of big deal around here. Or so says Mooch4056.
  15. Your eruputations are safe Straummy. At least for now.
  16. I thought "Ok, more becan for me then".
  17. If the masses asked what DAW do you use?
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