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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Same here. Extremely confusing.
  2. Since I own everything they make I might as well add this one too.
  3. I agree. Nested "tracks/folders/buses" since a track is anything you want it to be Fully customizable workflow (and a multitude of skins if you add on the SWS extensions) Multi-Platform (PC/Mac/Linux) entirely self contained, i.e. does not reply on any OS "libraries" Extremely small footprint Installable to an external device (USB stick or drive, carry it everywhere you go in your pocket) Very inexpensive (hobbyist) license for $60 covers two full releases Constant updates/fixes And, the owner is fairly flush with cash (not as much as Meng though) so this is not a market driven company much like CbB is now.
  4. Do you have the azslow Reaper utility to convert your CbB projects to Reaper? It worked pretty good for several projects I converted for fun. I almost went full Reaper, but decided to go with Studio One Pro after the release of v4.
  5. Bapu

    My devices/interface

    Is that on sale right now? I be needin' some of that.
  6. I've had both doses of Pfizer and I'm still not funny. Worst side effect ever.
  7. Got it for $24.99 with my voucher.
  8. I'll wait for for the Holiday sale at 50% off that $99 price.
  9. Why yes I Am. He's not taken any of my becan.
  10. It's installed and tucked away where it will most likely never be used.
  11. Naiz. This is my kit. Zildjian S series cymbals. Mapex Kit same barrel sizes as yours. I added a china under the splash. Mics are: OH (X/Y), Hats and Ride: Sennheiser e604 Toms: Sennheiser e614 Snare Top: SM57 & Earthworks DM20 Snare Bottom: SM57 Snare Side: 1980s AKG C414 (transformerless) Kick (left to right): 1970s refurbished D12, Audia-Technica Pro 25, Telefunken M82 (in) & Solomon Sub Mic
  12. Bapu

    In Her Eyes

    Very nice song. Has a Doobie Brothers vibe to me. My nit pick is that the snare sound is too bright and stands out nearly to the point of distraction. A woodier snare might fit better. And then there is the actual drum patterns. A little too busy for my tastes for such a simple emotive song. Then again, I've been known to be wrong before.
  13. Same here, took two cycles to get fully installed.
  14. So is this just a subset of the Mesa Boogie collection I already own?
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