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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Can I use Jambpointz?
  2. Marc beat me to it. I have a $75 voucher for the first PM I get.
  3. I got the entire line over time at 50% off. The interface is kind of long in the tooth now. Still decent stuff though.
  4. Kinda rock and roll, ya? Just missing the "girls".
  5. I think you don't need to yell. ?
  6. Bapu


    Reverb.com? I bought two basses from there.
  7. Nope, that price is already a promo code and IK doesn't allow stacking of promo codes and jam points.
  8. If Studio One had not beat CbB to the punch with arranger and chord tracks CbB would probably still be my main DAW. Studio One just "fits" my workflow better, And to me, since Reaper's arranger flow fairly similar to Studio One, I'd probably go to Reaper if Studio One is/was junked (highly unlikely IMO).
  9. The wisest move they could make, IMO, is make Studio One either free (ala CbB) or priced down to the Reaper price point. I pretty sure they cant ruin my FaderPort 16, maybe future models, but not the physical unit I own. ?
  10. Actually my internet has been down since Saturday. It just now came up. So....... "downloaded and installed"
  11. This year is pretty simple buy what suits my fancy. Also, I picked up a PA $250 voucher that I hop will get me from 7-10 items of theirs I don't already have. Truthfully it's getting slim pickings over there for me. Got all the good stuff over the last 10 months or so for decent prices.
  12. I could join the band virtually. IOW I'll phone in my performances and while I'm sober I still may not do as good as him drunk. Sorry to hear you're going through this Dave. Life should not be this hard at our age.
  13. The mix/master was done by me with input by Danny and Daryl.
  14. Many thanks to Dan Picknell, Danny Danzi and Hugo Ribeiro for helping Daryl and I get this song to the next level Note: remixed on 4 Jan 2024 This mix was reviewed by Warren Huart on Feedback Friday (via YouTube) 5 Jan 2024. HIs only critique is that "something" was clipping either on the master bus or before. Other than that he thought the song, production and performances were great. He especially liked the synth melody. Dan Picknell - Vocals Danny Danzi - Guitars Hugo Ribeiro - Drums Daryl Greenway - Lead Synth Ed Kocol - Bass, EP and light Synth Into The Night (c) 2021 Daryl Greenway & Ed Kocol Verse 1: I was raised on rock and roll It's in my head, my heart, my soul They say "You can't rock, you're too old" But I've never done what I've been told Chorus: Into the night I'm gonna rock Keep ticking 'til my clock won't tock I'm gonna run, no need to walk Into the night I'm gonna rock Verse 2: Rocking day and night was my thing Until I could make my guitar sing Waiting to grab the golden ring It's my dream and I will cling to it Repeat Chorus: Bridge: Nothing's gonna slow me down I'll keep rocking all over town I'll be here and always around In for a penny, in for a pound Verse 3: 2019 brought out a scare The days got longer, so did my hair Sat by the window, I could only stare From the comfort of my padded rocking chair Repeat Chorus
  15. Bapu

    Joyful Memories

    That's nice, evokes joy for me.
  16. Hey Bob, I have a perish pearish shape to me these days. I blame the COVID-19 lockdown.
  17. Thanks for the listen Mark. We'll take a look at that section on the next remix.
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