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Everything posted by tecknot

  1. In order to have your SS clip to repeat when rolled out to the right, you have to convert it to a groove clip (Ctr+L). Kind regards, tecknot
  2. uh, have you installed the driver(s)? Had to ask. Kind regards, tecknot
  3. tecknot

    Can't hear anything

    Just to clarify something important, your interface is your "realtek high definition audio" sound card. Make sure that your interface/sound card's sample rate and bit depth match that in Cakewalk's driver settings (Preferences | Driver Settings: Audio Driver Bit Depth (16 or 24, etc.) and Sample rate (e.g. 44.1k, 48k, etc.)), as well as the Playback Timing Master set to your Realtek sound card. You may have to change your Driver Mode (under Playback and Recording) after you figure out the above. Check those settings and get back to us with your results. Kind regards, tecknot
  4. Thanks for the info. abacab. User905133 - this problem is at the installation level. The install does not see Rapture (installed) on my C drive. Kind regards, tecknot
  5. Yeah, I wish I could get them installed, but so far no luck. I even tried reinstalling Rapture (64 and 32bit), but that didn't help either. Looks like I'll have to forego the expansion packs. Bummer!:( Kind regards, tecknot
  6. Someone mentioned "unfinished project," well it seems that can be said for just about anything in Cakewalk. ACT is a big example. I would like to see it fully developed, no, revamped so that it has greater more dependable control integration. Matrix View needs attention, Staff View really needs a lot of work, etc. I think BandLab should take a look at each feature/component and improve upon them one at a time. And take a break from adding new features for a while, until the existing features have been improved. I wouldn't mind that. Make them robust and fully functional. Not that Cakewalk is not workable, but it doesn't take much to reach its limitations in a number of cases. It still feels a little fragile each time I work with it. Like just one more move will irreversibly corrupt my project. I could make a complete list things, but I would have to give it more thought. Kind regards, tecknot
  7. Thanks for the response, scook. I am working with the Cakewalk packs 1 and 2 which are the separate installers first released. Nonetheless, I forgot about the registry change I made so maybe that's where I need to revert back. I also forgot about your suggestion to using directory junctions. I can still make that change. Much appreciated, tecknot
  8. Hi all, I recently up graded my laptop with a second SSD. I then moved samples over to the new drive. Then I realized I did not have the Rapture expansion packs installed. However, when attempting to install the xpacks I got an error message stating that Rapture was not installed and that I must have Rapture installed before I install the xpacks. I tried inserting a new Multisamples folder (left empty) in the Rapture path, but that didn't work. I also tried to install the packs as administrator, but that didn't do it either. Does anyone know a fix for this situation? I searched the net but didn't find any post like this. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, tecknot
  9. Hi Christopher, Go to Edit | Preferences and then scroll down to the bottom of the left column until you get to Customization. There, click on Themes. Now access the drop-down menu next to the Theme label (below "Choose your theme" to the right). The drop-down should list all your saved themes (C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes). Kind regards, tecknot
  10. It might be a matter of where you installed Ujam on your hard drive. Perhaps you need to add its path to CW's VST Scan Paths or simply scan your VSTs. Kind regards, tecknot
  11. There is a simple way to combine/merge two (or more) projects into one. With your project open, navigate to your friend's project to where ever you saved it while in the Media Browser. Once you located your friend's project there, simply click and drag it into your current project's TV. Voila, instant merge of two in one. One thing to bare in mind, the two projects must share the same sample rate. Kind regards, tecknot
  12. An SSL interface is certainly a very cool thing. For me it's like chasing after the next cool preamp/processor to add to a cluttered collection of semi/sometimes used gear. I hope these interfaces live up to the SSL reputation. I must check them out. Kind regards, tecknot
  13. You merely change to the Select tool in the CB and lasso the desired group of notes. Kind regards, tecknot
  14. You can easily do this in the PR. While holding down Shift+Ctrl, mouse click on the desired keys on the keyboard to the left. Kind regards, tecknot
  15. I don't know anything about CW FX Pad (since there doesn't seem to be any info on the CW site), it may not be a VST but an DXi. Do you know if Reaper is compatible with DXis? Kind regards, tecknot
  16. Do you have a MIDI track in CbB? Is EZD loaded in CbB? If yes on both, set the MIDI track's input to EZD and activate the input Echo button. If that is not the case, how did you insert EZD in CbB? Kind regards, tecknot
  17. You can use Aim Assist for the count (just press the X key). Kind regards, tecknot
  18. Oh, I see. I was expecting an announcement here in the main forum. I haven't been checking the EA forum. Thanks HIBI. Kind regards, tecknot
  19. Is the hotfix for 2019.11 b.54, build 59(?) available now? Is it a hotfix or a standard update? Kind regards, tecknot
  20. Hi Noel, I just figured since we have a performance module for the other number of core combinations, why not one specifically for 6/12 core count? Kind regards, tecknot
  21. Thanks for following-up on that question, Canopus. Appreciate it. Kind regards, tecknot
  22. Try using the Mute Tool in the Tool Module of the Control Bar (or HUD ("heads up display") Tool Bar by pressing the "T" key). When in "mute" mode, just click on the individual note. Hope that covers it. If not, hit back. Kind regards, tecknot
  23. You can only go back to a previous version if you had already saved a previous version somewhere. That is, you will not find an earlier version available for download from BandLab. As for your popping sounds, have you checked your projects bit depth and sample rate with that of your interface/sound card? They should match. Kind regards, tecknot
  24. Hello, May I make a request for a new Control Bar Performance Module reflecting 6 and 12 processor cores to match current Intel Processors (Gen 8 - now)? I would greatly appreciate it. Kind regards, tecknot
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