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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Remember when waves releasd one knob series , every body was joking on it , now each brand has an equivalent lol ..
  2. Do you have IK or UAD ones ? if so ....the only question is : do you need deep editing or staright good sound ? if the first isn't needed , you're already set , if you need to design basically your tape sound , Satin is exellent !
  3. Glad ya had it cheaper keeping it isn't a bad thing , i was selling it because i do'nt use it that mauch , but not because it's bad , i remember grabbing it because it was my alternative to pigments witch is way too much cpu hungry when i go sound designing. As for diva , this would be my desert island analog emu imho .... so it sound great while proposing seveveral classics , light on cpu and easzy to use ....
  4. Damm was trying to sell my hive few dayz ago totally forgot to make it happens ... had some buyers but my schedule is crazy and one buyer made le hold it for nothing ...
  5. Zo

    URS Saturation deal

    are we back in time ?
  6. Zo

    LUNA Pro DAW deal

    No word on windows support ? Wondering if i anticipate or not , i really like the look and workflow of luna ...
  7. no delivery to france , price is indeed superb
  8. i seen a lot of hype about the motown chambers thingy , grabbed it but for me capitol is plain better it's sitting in mixes and sound "kisses "sounds like no other !! Good news , as for the Distressor : yes !!
  9. Yeah voice limit is an option , but even , it depends on their model , i found also them sound similiar ...but yep for the price they're quit impressive . I'm still conviced that all those synths are just modular with specific GUI designs and little tweaking .... they're too similar while emulation so different stuff .... Really curious about the memory moog ... the quadra is one i loved /// this synths was crazyb at that time , this one and the Alesis Andromeda were imho already in the furtur lol !!
  10. I own the xils one , dont know what s different with this one , i also found that cherry poly s can be cpu hogg from time to time ..
  11. yeah i need to but so many brands using machine auth , scared to mess up !.... Also man , not BAPU here but oh boy i have so many struff !!!
  12. there's no files on HDD ? like usual IR ? To be honest when i want IR i use Verbsuites , it's more than enougth imho unless someone wants its own wit ch then can be used in Waves IR loader witch is ok . I remember my fav was the voxengo one made for sonar , superb and highly underatted !!
  13. Installer won t allow , it says os not enougth ....
  14. Bougth 12 never used it since i m on windows 8 , is the 12 solid ...not interrested in more new stuff , just wanna a solid version.
  15. if i upgrade my plugins i need to pay 200 $ even with 25 offf ...basically i have to rebuy them
  16. Talking about gravity : From French old movie (pure art) " I fools could fly , you will be in orbit !!!" Or another fav "do you know the difference between fools and robbers ? well robbers , from time to time , they rest !!" "fools never doubt , it 'seven like that that we reconised them " .. Lol just wanted to share some of my fav quotes since you talked about orbit lol The last one is is from Medvedev and a purte beauty talking about EU so called elites " the problem with clowns accumulation is that at the end , we have a circus " !!! lol can't stop laugthing at that one !! for the french speaking : This interpolate superbly with nowdays marketing , they doubts nothing !!
  17. Thing is i can't connect anymore to GS .... joined in 2006 ... 3 infractions and bam !!! Pathetic , they can put an ukrainiens flag on the website witch is higly political .... but at the same time chassing peole , and again there were zero politics in my comment , i was coomenting on russians in the thread that were actually coolling things of and asking "let's not talk politics please here" and pointing their "Zen attitude versus people literraly hating on them there ... war mongers ,, i was talking about them !!!
  18. This reminds me a Ricky Gervais sketch actually about people wanting to live a life were they get never offended , counting on other people for that ... To be honest i don't see the offense in my remark , i'm actually really admirativ of some Russia people online and their patience , the thread was about Red rock plugins and remarks were shamefull !!
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