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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    Considering Bitwig

    Strange , i have live suite (9) and find it , meh , do you think the V11 brings a lot more enhacmenet , i don't need devices , ect .. BUT LFO is something i wanted , i don't find it in live 9 , is it introduced later ?
  2. Zo

    Considering Bitwig

    Will have a look at this (editing is quite strange in this , yestruday i tried simply to mute a section of an audio clip , foudn out that i have to define a region frist and split it to be able to Alt+A) , but i really take it like a scratch pad , giving all the limitation i encouter , post prod will be mostly in S1 as i see it ....
  3. Zo

    Considering Bitwig

    Yeah this is what i posted prior to your answer
  4. Zo

    Considering Bitwig

    By hte way i've found this tool , but please tell me there 's one on tracks hidden lol
  5. Zo

    Considering Bitwig

    Hi guyz, as a perpetual perfectionnist when it comes to workflow , i wanted something to make my way of finding ideas easier .... Using my Keystep pro to make pattern (or maschine ) and the having a way to structurate ideas and laucnh different combinaison . Live , i have it but the interface is just a pain . Trying bitwig since few days , i'm really liking it , i'm facing stuff that are crazy (no easy scale mode in piano roll , no monitoring option for diff busses , no serious track manager , ect ..) but one thing i'm looking for and didn't find it (it's where i need ya help here) is the phase shift on tracks / clip , i'm layering 2 kiks here via the drum tracks and looking for simple thing as this .... sure i can play with time of the sammple but sometime i need that on tracks (bass / kik relation ect ..) where is it !!!!
  6. I said no more plugins , next thing i'm testing HW and new DAW (bitwig ) lol
  7. Zo


    Boy i hear this so many time not knowing a sh....about who it was ect .... this is why i love ya guyz ....
  8. I mactually reading the roland cloud thread at gearsluts , and boy wait to see what the cloud does once monitored ... Man This things comes from the NSA
  9. Since i just made an install , i mogut already have it insttalled lol ?
  10. Zo

    Happy New Analog Year

    Analog isn. T Green, ya ready to fight for your gear ? Lol hourrrra !
  11. Zo


    Hi all !!!! Just some small words from another Human . I want to wish you all , Health , peace of mind , success for this new years . The world 's facing challenges , two words are actually moving , an old one that don't wanna die/change , and a new world , fair with a more humanistic approach (should i say rational versus RaceTionnal lol) This is in this time that a forum like that still gives hopes where race / age / religion / social group / political opinion isn't a factor of judgement . We exerce an ART , and like every ART , its very inherent purpose is the interaction with the entity that consume it (in our case mostly humans) This is a strong connection and knowing this entity and its subtilities is how you master it . All masters in any ART have a deep konwlegde of humans , and how to know them if not spending time with them . We do it in certain aspect here , but in "real life" i suggest everybody to emphase this factor this year !!!* Also as humans (still ;)) we 're designed to interact with the reality (not only) so be sure to also emphase the HARDWARE side of thing and WORKFLOW , impact will be wayyyyy more important than new plugins !!!! Limitation is freedom , freedom is time availlable , never forget that .... (my new clean install is reminding me this like a punch in the face) So guyz just be like you are , i love you all , and over the years , i've found out that i could count on anybody here !!
  12. Keep it , it's like asio for all , it can be handy in case one day you need it , i found over the years that it's not introducing any trouble , just a line on audio devices ...but i used it onces doing some editing in standalone apps , and it's wayyyyyyy better than windows drivers .....
  13. I absolutly love the sound of yoiur stuff , but i can't get anything good out of my AGSH , so i stopped here .... don't know , not a newbee but i can't get convicing guitar riff no matter what engine i use in the plugin Will give ethnic instruments a go ...
  14. I own 6 , what s the formula to get 6.5 ?
  15. Zo

    62% Off Dawesome Abyss

    Doing a clean install here since few dayz , traktion folder doesn t exist anymore , great synth , that i never used lol same with a lot of folders ... some i keep just for old projects ...
  16. Zo

    62% Off Dawesome Abyss

    Specially when they are at 29 $
  17. If anybody here knows somebody that would be interested in buying my waves account with mercury + classics & abbeyroad pm me Also protools perpetual licence
  18. Doing a new install and i had to find this again , your rock , i wanted to erase the target but i said let's just disable it .... shame to Magix , Pretty sure if i uninstale soundforge , it will stay ....
  19. Exactly , just posted on GS a big thks to Arturia , not only we had a lot of FReebbee but it's not like tripped down versions , and actually solid tools i used in real project , the mini Filter V being one of them !!! Clearly they dev this for Minifreak , took it in last version of vst's (Mini V4 being an exemple) and offered us an fx !!
  20. You guyz have surreal bukets ....
  21. Boy just read my post , i'm absolutly sorry about the tipos ..... guyz when you see clean posts (like this one) versus a pure mess (like my previous one) understand it was made on an ipad that can't falllow how fast i type letters and registers some with a delay . Again sorry written from my logitech keyboard lol
  22. only on ssl website i suppose ?
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