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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Watching this as i type , this is brilliant ...i have live suite don't know if it's in it (surely) but never gelled with live GUI !!
  2. To be honest guyz it s already a crazy price for what y’a got .,, really I really should do a video on this thing
  3. I made he jump on studio as well ... @bapu if I buy a code for upgrade and register like in 2 years , basically when I feel it s worth to upgrade , does it work ? ( Komplete And wup style move )
  4. Do you own Falcon ? if not , don't buy , if yes , this is the best value for money when it comes to drums around , i skipped the DMX from Gforce and the CR 78 because of this !!! To make it short there's some processing by default that you have to get rid of , i explained this on GS , after that you have all drums machine RAW witch is what you def want to appreciate each color and vibe , but UVI had the brilliant idea to stack tones of processinga dna one of dem , even not used color the sound !!! you need to switch off or get rid of it in the arborescence o(structure) of patch , resave and have fun !! By the way , surpised that not one so called pro reveiwer noticed that , but i'm a long time producer , this might explain this (no ego , but i did a beat or two lol )
  5. To be honest , new gui lack contrast imho .... must have been developped on super glossy Mac screen imho .... instead of a calibrted Mat display like all pros usually do ....might be wrong , but seen this problem on a lot of dev offices
  6. tested it right away : 1) new presets : not incredible 2) Buggy 3) ,BEWARE cpu hit is crazy on some patches , Unison and voices handling can help but still ... Will stick for now with old one Pros : wavetable table / edit page : exellent !! I loved this synths for its lush sounds / pads , gonna use *Discovery Pro and the Access Virus EMU for that now
  7. Best part was when Brian gave a shoot out to jean Paul Jarre lol
  8. Don't forget that yiou can donate what ever you want / can guyz ////
  9. I saw this option but i thougth it will replace the favorite name lol Thks for being the guinean pig lol
  10. Tried everything drag and drop , right click , to loacate a folder ....nada , niet , nothing , zero
  11. Yep solid stuff they make .... Is osirus the same as the osTIrus , just gui change ? i can load each patch on both but i remebr people telling TI has extra stuff and patches can sound diff ...
  12. supernova : check v station , it's still solid and has this vibe .
  13. Im' pretty sure i 've read one filter is analog moogish modeled , can't recall the model .... anyway looks interesting , Sample rate and resolution could play also imho , watching as i type an A/B where o hear diffirences , but i will not say it sounds less good ....
  14. Sounds the same ? not sure , isn't the Ti has analog filter also ? Being able to load the same patches doesn't warranty the same sound .
  15. Some people think money makes them rich .... https://www.usdebtclock.org/ Here we have a saying that says , lack of debts does actually ....
  16. By the way i have tape / wasted space and the britsih and it's 49 euros , is it supposed to be that ?
  17. Do you know a little about him ?
  18. Since Fabrice doesn't work no more with Slate , i wonder how the new coding is and by whom it is done ?
  19. is this made by Tone 2 ? at first oi thougth it was a fake , photoshoped with Tone 2 plugins
  20. Gone for two chicks ... By the way , tell Trudeau that french people hate him two ... lol
  21. Fleer i went for a syntakt , what a fun device and sounds superb ... wanted for a long time an mpc live 2 buy since i have maschine i said let try elektron , and well , surprising ...that said still thinking of the mpc ,...
  22. I always look at this device , and skip buying it , the videos just makes me have an headache to fallow this workflow , i might grab one just to use it as a FX unit , i love Roland Fx ...
  23. got nothing lol maybe because i already own it ?
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