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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Anybody using their echo collection , still wondering if i go for it or not , delay is the only area i don t have that much ( echoboy , h delay , gem echoson)
  2. i may unsubscribe from the Laming list
  3. The only way is to make group buyz , i made the math , for the MC 77 it's 76 $ and for shadow , it's 96 $
  4. The good news is the more brands go sub , the less we gonna buy lol good for us ... at least for me , this PA is like a fuking reminder for me .... i'm in a solid process of simplification and reduction .... of my set up ....back to the basics
  5. Well this is exactly what i used to think guyz , until you reach a point where during an inpiration rush you need this and that sound you want to do this with ect ...and then you figure out that this synth can have those osc , but don t have an arppeg that can control pitch or be routed to osc freq , this and that ect ... i will keep using my gotos (omnisphere , diva, arturias , falcon (witch is the most powerfull) but i can see using more and more those modular with i m actually doing starting point templates as the most common things i struggle to have fast in others ... building its own synths is exiting and inspiring imho !!!
  6. Ok problem back ...same b....s... Are supposed to be online each time we launch this ?
  7. Exact , no so confident ....that's why i consider this freebee as a demo ...taking the occasion to compare to Reaktor (meh) Zebra and now falcon to try to see ... The thing is that it's fast , inspiring and it sound just great !!! there's an inherent quality on the sound .. strange because a SAW is a Saw
  8. Did a re intsall here and de authorised the computer , i then autorise the stand alone first and sinatlled also the vst ....to be sure ... seems ok now ...
  9. 1.3.15 here , first thing i checked VST 3 here gonna try to load the VST
  10. I'm having this issue since i try to open what i did yesturday :
  11. What modules / bundle would you recommend ? did ya compared this system to reaktor ?
  12. i was more considering this for filters (moog) and sounsources !! so this might be the only add on i will need lol !!!
  13. i saw a module that can insert "plugins "in ? am i tripping or is it the case ? if so this would makes it a beast !! So where to get the core + drum deal , i only see the core offer
  14. Trying to understand the offers , it's kinda messy ,bewteen Core , ignite and nucleus ...
  15. Been playing with it since one hour : happy here , was like meh at first , don't need another synth , then all fun !! Thks Oncle L
  16. Exellent. JUSt more modern drums more "cardiac " and it would absolutly kill it ...imho don t do drugs lol
  17. if you got 3 but singlkes nope , is it splitted serials ? migh be good to buy with somebody else and split costs
  18. Still less attractive than their 50% sale. , nope ?
  19. Well and with PA ...? I guess you have a lot of stuff already ... i was checking bundles for my students and i c ame to the conclusion that you can have top notch stuff for "life" for a one year sub on 5 brands , period ! waves gold : 99 $ soundtoys : 149 $ (optional) lex pcm :149$ Waves cla /ssl/api on deman 29$ one or personnaly i would go a bogo (or more) from ik tracks stuff that get you cover from mix to mastering . waves omnischeps : 29 $ i could add izotope bundle and they would have evrything they need to be able to mix stuff right ... I don t even talk a out kanglehm , vahalla, tonebooster , freebies ...balcroaster ...ect if they need stuff here and ther as well as second hand PA stuff that are near free ! Lol
  20. Don t you feel bad to stop with zero licences owned ....this is the main issue ...
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