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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Larry be patient , big stuff coming stay calm and keep your vaucher !!
  2. Zo

    Arturia Pigments

    i'm exepriencing blank gui here when i open pigments last version , anyone ?
  3. but it's because you own already a lot of plugin right ?
  4. Larry don' t buy anything specially the amps
  5. And that s ones of the few really usefull waves plugins Larry , your compressor will live it just before , to make its jobs easier and safer ...!!
  6. just noticed that ... 30 % is that the max sales he does ? What is the authorisation process ?
  7. Zo

    SPL Deessers

    Yeah i did ...pretty sure they hesitated between both ...and they put it both lol next time i buy or want to buy a PA brain new release ( and believe le what s comong , hot !!) slap me in he face !
  8. Lol or at the contrary it saves you some useless moves lool ...
  9. Zo

    SPL Deessers

    Tried those during sale , tried it versus pro deess and sonnox .... goodbye ..
  10. Zo

    Massive X

    I think even biotek is more powerfull ... but the quality of ni sound is exellent ...
  11. Zo

    Massive X

    Ot but checked the kilohearts thingy , it basically like zebra updated ... lanes , source , modulation ect ... dcided to skip komplete , pigments and everything .... my ssd is almost full ....
  12. Zo

    Arturia Pigments

    Yep the interface is exellent ...that said nothing ( this can be said to all new synth since a decade) .... now the fun thing will start when you import your stuff ...
  13. Zo

    Micron 4 TB SSD

    What s he deal versus samsung ? My 2 tb is already feeled , can t believe it !
  14. Zo

    Massive X

    I don't recall where and who mentionned the Phase Plant but this looks killer !! kinda lost with options ....
  15. I'm skipping the spl , both , to small for the vitalizer na dthe twintube gets outpassed systematicaly with true iron .... So Larry be sure to notify us when kazrog goes on sale ...!!!;)
  16. guyz seems i can use it one more time lol .?? try on your own if you can ....they might done it infinte time during this 30 hours lol
  17. Larry do you oiwn the lindel neve comp ?
  18. lol you gonna laugth i went for nveloppe , one i ref=greted to sell !! few allwos frequency dependant shaping on sustain !!
  19. lol hate PA for this kinda of stuff ..was testing SPL twintuve and vitalizer ...and said okj : let's take my time and choose one !
  20. so we can use it 2 time ? need 2 plugins
  21. Zo

    Kush AR1

    ? so true i wish we had them from start it would have made me purchase way less stuff ...at the same time not sure if the old me would have spotted the subtilities bewteen those back then !!
  22. Zo

    Massive X

    You're right Russ i suspect they released it to boost Komplete Sales ....
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