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Everything posted by Zo
You're selling the irg keys or sampletank SE for 20 $ ?
dam wanted to get ST 4 , is it opening the group buyz stuff if i get it ?
Same here , of course i go straight to master gain (on amp and main gui also) but it's all other the place and makes going threw persets useless unless i resave those properly gainstaged ....
oh ...must i say i don't drink or smoke ? .... my friends say , a chance !!!
Guyz , stupid question but is teh MEtal Collection is included in amplitbe Deluxe (witch i have) ? i see on custom shop stuff i own in the collection others i don't ... Final thing i'm testing is the Slash , is it me or the gain stage in this is all other the place ?!!
it works great guyz ... still producing in Sonar and S1 but i jumped in the Cubase wagon for a PT replacmenent and glad i did ...it's just super powerfull and the last addition makes it even more ... About the dongle , don't ask me how i know ...but word on the street (lol should i say word on the web) says that dongle is gonna be a thing of the past in the future ...
Mike , it's not even a joke lol that's the scariest thing lol
Jim , i've been fortunate enougth to talk about it with Andrew when he came at school , and i'm telling you , this is no hasard , the work behind this is TOP ... and this is why i love signatures series , people can say anythings they want , a dev dpoing his thing in the lab versus doing it with the help and vision of those big dogs , is WAYYYYY diffirent !!! I opened an old session last day and was like ...mmmm those vocals are banging , checked the bus : CLA Vocals lol that was all .... i was like damm forgot about this one lol You know you've gone to far when you start studying yourself lol !!!!
yep self regulation of market ...let's wait and see .... here in paris there's a street wher you can eat the best Kebab is France , period , and from one day to another they all added 0.50 euros to anything ...and the guy telling me this when i asked him , like nothing special ( acool dude) ...i told him : do you know this is illegal ? he was like comon Zo ....i was like " really " it's forbiden by the law and for a good reason ... but i stopped here to not make him unconfortable ... So they decided in an "agreament" to all screw it the same day and way .... Still i'm confident for the plugin market ... with all this crap going one since years and warez ...those prices and the awarness of the young generation makes that i'm seeing WAYYYY more of my students buying plugins instead of going warez ...witch is great !!! we do have to give Props to Shops like JJR / Audiodelux / koby's/evryplugins /plugin discount / time & space ect ...they're a part of this ealthy pressure on market ..
not only @ waves
Guyz , do you know that in 120 years from bnow , every living people on this earth right now will be dead / gone / nada /// wind ... man that's deep ..... simple , evident but still bam !! just sharing my today's reading .... that might maybe helps us take the distances to thing ...
by being me !! Lol 4 in the morning , ipad purchase , not enougth infos displayed on screen ... Larry's post about getting the fender to open group buy , i said cool this might be the occasion to get amplitude stuff ..i saw last 2 releases and the fender prices and concluded that regular prices for extensions is 99 ....but not the one i was actually the most intressted in after my test (the day before) , and i can assure you i was like "group buy this year ? nah don't need that ", then i tried Orange and Mesa boogie and loved ,to my surpirse ,the mesa ... Ik offered me to de activate fender for me to get refunded by JJRshop so i'm gonna see if i keep it or not , since to add to the drama i already have fender lol
nah , i went for the fender to get other amps but i messed it up ....
i do think this one is just as good as a 349 euros channel strip lol
Personnaly if they had more "Tools" like multi's , restoration , deep imager , metering'ect ... i would have considered this back then , but still you have to get some other stuff .... but for a guy making a new studio , it's ok
exact a custom bundle would be killer and at the same will avoid some extra purchase so don't know if it's in fact positive or negatif for them ...
Isn t the princeton in the fender collection ?
You have 2 roland 120 , one from the custom shop , and one from the Dimbag bundle https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/dimebag/ to my surprise it sounds way different than the custom shop one ... The Dimbag bundle : hate the presets and the other amp ...
Is it some kind of magic , really that good ? I didn t tried it yet and don t plan lol ... @Soundwise i didn t watched the video but the orange pack is on pair with the fender quality wise , it sounds like gtr , the 200 for bass isn t that versatyle and crazy but the rest is really soundwise (lol) something on its own ....
Lol and what is your conclusion ?
Guyz i noticed something cool today , did ya know that you can , on an instuments , save a preset with the option "instruments presets + FX presets" , i did this for eastwaest gosthwriter + amplitube preset and it's a superb goodie ...never noticed that !!
TH3 is also great imho ...and can be a super playground for you GTR players ...a lot of exeperimenting for a non GTR player like me ... lol you guyz see names and you go "oh ok " , but i need to actuallmy spend a lot of time to discover each brands and amp / cab combo to have the sonic print ...but it's ok .... i now start to have areally clear picrure of each sonic print ..the good thing is now i know what tone i have in my head based on stuff i love and heard can be created with what type of combo !!
Yep i wish the chourus had a mix/wet , can be done via amplitube , but a pain in 2019 imho , Ik have to bring amplitibe to the same level of usability as the rest of the dogs (Tracks / Modo ect ..) Yep the fender could be the only thing i need and this was the case until gasolina !!! i usually go for those oldies sound but recently german work pushed me on those territories ...
Yep this is what i do , playing different Di gtr tracks ... for the group buy. I already have pretty eveything so basically i will have blank promo slots not used lol i wanted to just few amps that i don t really need in fact , but it was the occasion ...
Well i don t know , if they can do some to get me the mesa that will be cool , if not , i will ask them , cause the do crazy sells time to time on those , this is how i got my ampeg and fenders ... crazy is that i didn teven thought of : 1) going group buy 2) liking so luch the mesa , the PA version is so off ... might be Dirk taste on the set up or some ...but man ...lesson learned , never judge an amp on what emulation provides ...lol but i don t have gtr stuff around ...and all my friend are metal heads ... tired of heavy gain stuff lol ..