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Everything posted by Zo

  1. same o sale , nope ?
  2. i receive A LOT of question on youtube about my constant displayed transparent metering : Juicepack !! For those that need great meters always displayed ....i bought it back then just for that !!
  3. I3 is really limited ...my concern is more stability and interaction with other plugins ...i remeber when getting their imager as a frebee, it crashed sessions systematicaly , so i said to myself if this small thingy is messy , what could be the big dogs !!! Happy here with v7 ...it s doing what i need ... i dont need neutron and other stuff ...
  4. Better than 129 deal ....zero lol still on production bundle the ozone 7 ... so much stress on studio one whne using izotope stuff that i gave up ..
  5. What amazes me is that since the SUB release , there was a superb wave of moaning from kegit longtime users including me , and the answer ? monthly more expensive proposal , PA is phenomenal !! i don't know what to think !! between the respect i have those those guyz and the way they handle costumers relationship ....
  6. Adeath match with the beringher is innevitable
  7. One thing is true , limitation is key , i have to master those daws for students (each i show this and that i have tha question : how to do this in my daw) ...and after getting all the major daws i get exactlly in the land of the lost and understand fully the struggle of multiplcation of options ....no daw has it all , each one have strength , i'm doing a full project on cubase and see .... was happy with studio one but man this gui sometime is killing me !! way easier on the eyes for cubase but looks like the 90" and not so inviting when it come to production ...producting the oldschool way in it is a pleasure , but wanting to go outside the confort zone iseasier with something like Live or S1 for exemple versus Sonar and cubase ....
  8. thks guyz , really digging cubase power , feels solid ...bugs all other (specially on customisation of layout and color that doesn't stay) but i still find S1 inspiring in production ...
  9. Totally off topic , but did any of you guyz switched to another daw are all are still using sonar somehow ...?
  10. I respect that , when i read your first paragraph i was like "Lars , don't let Ego enter this !!!" but then when you pointed out the age discremination and then the fact that such policy/people don't deserve your help , you got my already owned 100 % respect .... One day i was talking with some friend , engineer (computing) , top guyz , one was saying , he applied to some job offers with his arabic name , no answer or just big stops , then same resume , french name , he got interviews ....i told him "i don't even know what makes you still wanna give you skills , energy and time to people that don't desrerve it !!! I m 100 % me politically , religiously , artistically ect ...this way it sorts people real fast , you're pretty sure those that are still there are the right ones , period !! Don't know if you're a God believer Larry , but if so , you know he got away from something certainly not benefic for you
  11. I would have spent my holidayz in the store lol this lead to the other question now , how the f .... you weren't a sales man in ? if they knew you a little like we do ... they will not let you go !
  12. Don't know how i end up taking a virtual tour of Sweetwater , but i swear it makes you wanna work there lol !!
  13. Several questions that can help me : 1) is there a way to de activate PDC but keep fx to be used ? 2) why if i clikc on the on/off switch of an insert bin it deactivate the plugins inserted but latency still being considered ? 3) Is there a way to to disable the ^plugin from the insert bin without having to open the gui and deactivate it (not bypass, since bypass seems to not kill latency calculation) Danke , Thks , gracias , gracie mille , merci !!
  14. UPDATE : Ok guyz , i've been able to get stuff getting more on their foot Here’s my settings: Devices (menu) Device Setup MIDI Port Setup - Use System Timestamp for ‘Windows MIDI’ Inputs (Yes) - Use System Timestamp for ‘DirectMusic’ Inputs (Yes) Vst Audio System - Audio Priority (Boost) - Adjust for Record Latency (Yes) Quantize and notes placement are back to serious stuff , now THE LATENCY .... the first thing i did was to check plugins , Pro Q on my monitoring section (to do what sonarworks does) has a latency inferior of the roudntrip latency i have in my audio seetting In : 5ms Out : 6ms RTL = 11 ms (@ 256 samples on my RME) So in théory it should handle the 3 ms of a plugin for exemple without adding any noticeable latency (i mean like feeling 40 ms latency !!) I struggled to find an option that is of course hidden by default , the PDC button up left on the control bar that is dissengaging the leatncy compensation and it worked wonder !!! BUT why ? What's wrong with cubase PDC ? i have the exact same routing in S1 , SONAR , LIVE , PT ect ...and nothing like that !!! even if i bypass the plugin it's still latency until i clik on dissabling PDC , but more crazy is that , are we supposed to not use ARC or SOnarworks or a simple ZERO latency limiter on master for safety if we want to PRODUCE in GOOD conditions ? Happy face switched fast here ....please help get it back !!!
  15. Thks a lot Bill let s do that if this week end i cant get it sorted , i will sell it and basta ...
  16. Oh man , sorry to hear that Ken ... no words can make this sad news any way more acceptable , but anything we can do , don t think twice ... please ... Glad to see you sharing this with us .
  17. When i tried it i was buggy making crackles ...is still the case ?
  18. Can expend on that or link le to a video or site about it ?
  19. i fuked up mine when young working in a furniture shop during 10 years same time as studies ... paint shop ...tones of paint moves ...i feel it now ! good luck Bapu !!
  20. Bill , what interface do you have ? i have an rme , it's capable of doing the cubase direct midi driver thing for midi and still no go i tried synced to system clock and not ...i'm literrally putting this on sale and already have requests !! Shame if you aske me because all my other daw handle stuff out of the box , let's say i can make it work , it would have been 2 weeks of fight to record a midi clip properly ? nah ...i can let go a lot of small annoyance here and ther for a daw , but if a vet like me struggles on a crucial thing like that ? imagine a new cat buying this and facing the same issue ...i even read on a forum that a newbie was happy because he said "i'm recodring unquantize and then quantize by hand , it works great " !!! omg !!
  21. Thks Bill of course i chcked all this , still ûconsistant , i ve found an article on sound on sound about this type of reports from mainly windows users , i think it s a deep issue with winodws double clocks in cubase messing this up ... https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/solving-midi-timing-problems I tried some of those stuff https://www.steinberg.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=144694
  22. Hi amigos , i just want to ask you cubase head how did ya get the quantize to act the same as sonar or studio one !! No matter the settings , it gets always off my playing , usually input quatize at 16 is more than enought ... i tried the same playing in sonart and s1 and all good , in cuabse it's just a catastrophe , grid on fallow quatinze, quantize at 16 straight ..and input quantize on ...i also noticed more altency in feeling and i immediatly switched of Asio guard but it didn't helped !! Still in demo mode , this typically will def make me sell this mf !!! simple stuff i can't do while i can deep in post production ? I just dsicovered that i can't use soundforge with it ,can extrac chords from audio ect ... this issue will def make me go back to Cake and S1
  23. yep i love freq response of 29$ plugins too ....so much better souding to my ears for sure , not quite magic like 9$ ones but quite there !!
  24. Zo

    Spitfire Orbis

    sounds sources are quite availlable in worldsuite , the diff is in the sound design script , but if you opend world suite in faclon , it's open bar !!!
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