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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    Spitfire Orbis

    man i just shifted from Swing more to this lol but when he said Edna Engine , my gas went 50 % off ...why not the phobos engine standalone thingy , i simply hate the edna engine and kontakt fx in general
  2. Sergio interesting and scary remark you re right , it doesn t smellgood ...
  3. For me it was the flux analyser
  4. don't know where do you guyz see a 199 $ price for swing more ?
  5. Zo

    IK tape machine finally !!

    It wasn't directed to anybody in particular , just something i was thinking of .....
  6. Man i was wondering to myself with last Pa move : they gonna fuked up Focusrite console introduction in market ...at least this move is a great news ... now with my forte , i have nothing
  7. Zo

    PA Announcement

    I was speaking with my wife about this ..the thing is that sometime (specially as entrepreneur) we get money sometime we're shortv , i alwayz prefer to buy stuff when i got full money ....and then when money is low , i have zero lost , just being carefull about daily spend ... I would not be able to buy several stuff I OWN now nowdayz with all stuff i have to handle in new house .... she also like to have monthly's while i hate that (first time in my life this year) because you're ALWAYZ under pressure , while i prefer to have money stoked for taxes and all insurances and then each month i have what i "really have " ... It's just a question of logic for me ... anyway we're talking stuff WE HAVE TO PAY ...but for plugins ? na !!/....
  8. Zo

    PA Announcement

    even better if you don't buy anything else , at the end we gain money ....no wonder UA raised prices with confidence ...
  9. Zo

    PA Announcement

    Buy 2 and resell it lol
  10. Zo

    PA Announcement

    Nowdayz for those price you have a fully featured DAW !!!! PA got fried on the FB group ..... I had the exact discussion with Steven and Fab about the Slate thing , as you may have pointed out , it's been a while i didn't made Slate video 1) because i don 't use the VMR until it's out of the rack 2) because nothing exiting since a while (expt the FG stress witch i knew gonna get covered by evey youtuber lol) Anyway , my discussion started with the nonsense of a brand putting a pression on itself by having to release a serious amount of new plugin on a constant basis witch lead systematically to lose of quality ... period , i know how miticulous fabrice is and the time spent on details ... Then i explained him that EU is not USA , and leasing / sub is not AT ALL in our culture , specially in France where people buy their house more than any country ...people want to own their stuff ... they hate leasing /sub as its seen as a servitude Long story short : every thing i said was useless ... I will happily says this to Dirk , but i don't even try no more with brands ... they're conviced that they have it all ...and forgot that last time , they had it all also (in their mind) Only good thing is that resell market gonna get up for a small time ... I don't know how brands are conviced that doing the best for them , will generate the same results as doing the best for costumers , witch is basically the only source of income and the one cursor you MUST have in mind as a TOP priority .... I'm not dissing or minimising the quality or skill of any brand here , i'm pointing out that those guyz use an economic model without knowing the consequences , a model that is smashing masses in the world taking from them the proporty and feeling of being straight with no need to get something else (yep the art of selling you stuff you don't need ) ...this is a pattern that we see more and more in the plugin word ...but musicians and artitics ARE def NOT like the regular cat ... I
  11. Zo

    PA Announcement

    They will never learn ....
  12. Zo

    PA Announcement

    I learnt that with time , marketing hype alwayz dissapointed me ... i also learnt that each time , brands were sure they had the absolute truth , we as users pointed out the cons , but they , with their arrogance ignored it until they faced the reality ... not they come up with another instance truth that they re sure it s new new shhh ... îsee a pattern here , and i m not talking pa specificaly here at all. ... just saying ..
  13. Keni , this is what i do i have sr for hp and monitors all busses come to a master bus master bus out to a monitor bus with an instance of sr monitors switched master bus send to a hp bus : sr inserted in ho position when i bounce, i bounce the master witch has nonne of those , but alll my other plugins ...now rme analog 1/2 is my monitors and 3/4 is hp so bus hp goes rme 3/4 and bus monitor goes rme 1/2 hope it s clear lol
  14. Zo

    PA Diezel VH-4

    They actually sound great , but yep workflow is a pain ....
  15. Zo

    PA Diezel VH-4

    Don t expect a review on that lol , i have too much respect for you bass and guitar guyz lol And will patiently wait for your reviews ...
  16. Zo

    Lenovo P52

    Docking station : yes usb hub : no no matter the brand ....
  17. I do think that the only benefit is the crosstalk thingy but to tell the truth i own a spl 2 control with this option and never use it ...as sonarworks user , like the first release , i ll skip ... we re trying since decade to elimiante the room from the equation , to now try to recreate it ? there s a problematic to this ..., i someone wants the abbeyroad room and then correct the curves with heapdone profiles ... he will not get that room , even with all the trick correction allows ...
  18. Makes me wanna learn guitar , not buy this. Lol .... i wish i would ...
  19. Thks Simeon !! simple infos , hard to get ! No i have to decide if i go cubase ...pretty happy with S1 but some stuff really attractive with cubase specially the post prod stuff Still hate the browser (take a pic of an ssl g comp and it takes the wall space !!) Icons : for god sake sub folders or way to organised them Console : why 8 insert ? sepratores like cakewalk for bus , mains and tracks colors and gui : meh ..rustic !! east germany !! Console exellnet on the eye
  20. Bascically , what's in the box with the key ? a card with serials .?
  21. Zo

    Lenovo P52

    lol smart move THe P52 is an exellent choice Bluzdog and if it was for weight i would happily go for it instead of the Xtreme X1 that i want for school and moves ...
  22. personnaly i would be happy with swing more alone ....enogth for my lofi hip hop second album
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