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Everything posted by Zo

  1. no , i was asking when you used your vaucher for transefrt , were you able to use another one (from another user for exemple !!) The Deizel are a piece of art , one i know it's never gonna be cheap is the bass amp from softube Eden WT 800, a pure beauty also
  2. We should have a place to share unsued stuff .....let's go green guyz !!
  3. lol i got a bassdude at 5 and a chandler at 10 Have you been able to use 2 vaucher in a month ?
  4. Is that yopu that bought the engl 646 i was supposed to buy !!! lol
  5. Is it the never finished plugin after 10 years ? lol
  6. I'm not really motivated in buying basically presets .... I would love simple rigs (amps cabinets) and to choose when i know what i need
  7. i read Green push witch i supposed is green drive stomp
  8. Piotr do you play guitar ? am i the only non GTR player around ? lol
  9. Do we have to have THU for those or there's like a THU player with a purchase ?
  10. Larry , on this tone : there's a stomp ,righ ? (drive or overdirve) or this can be done with amp alone ?
  11. Lol i didn t even recalled that i used in those videos lol ...
  12. Nah !!! the size ok !! ich bin sure !!!
  13. i hate that we can only auth in 2 comps only , is supsect portal to be the same !
  14. For the pirce of the bundel i would go omnisphere or komplete ultimate perosnally
  15. I would say close your eyes , this might comes from side or front !!!
  16. I liteerally went nuts during beta because of the gui .... i ve been pushing for big guis and the guyz dropped this , i was kinda ruff but seeing last release itserved but still room ...now we have to lobby for older releases ... not easy task... yep for me best ssl emu around with the duende
  17. Guyz Amplitube related question : I was actually doing pedal and rack presets ..and was wondering where does it saves them ? to export to another computer , @Ryan IK Multimedia a way to sync of preset to a cloud in our IK account would be a must and absolutly killa !!! Xln does this and to my surprise i'm using it heavily !! EDIT : just found them : C:\Users\Zo\Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 4 For those looking for those !!
  18. Comon !! i saw you in a battle in Detroit :!!!
  19. I'm pretty he knows how to rap also .... man that's Bapu !!!
  20. I know and you were right ... PA sounds like dry water lol .... but sometime i need that (for other stuff than GTR lol that's why i bought them)
  21. mm interesting , i hope we can get DI to use our zillions dollars spent on amp sim lol... So do you have any infos on if it's gonna be loop based only or like modo bass we can play on our own ? ( certainly yes but we never know !!)
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