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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Christian , i was testing the 1000 and i notice crapy sound , to realise not only it dioesn't recall size but also setting lol
  2. Ture i also noticed the fender compression is more forgiven and natural than marshall or soldano for exemple (real HW)
  3. lol tottally forgot about those and i've been playing with this yeturday specially with the rear mic , witch brings some scooped boxiness that reminds me certain metal tone
  4. Carlos , i'm saying same source , plenty of dynamic , hi gain results ina washy tone , great and exactly like the real amp (i watched your video ) , the amplitube for exemple doesn't sound that close to the REAL deal , but alos have a better dynamic and is more articulated , but again this is good in some cases and bad in other .... i'm pretty confortable withhgain staging , i know my thing , it appears that the mrshal as well as the soldano on real vidoes have a way to squash the dynamic that people are actually searching ...i'm not saying it's bad , i'm saying this is why we didn't judge the amps the same way .... and this is why for exemple o, the depech mod exemple , it's crunchy and have a lot of dynamic ... and it was hard to get with one or another cause each time i have one attribute i lose the other ..lol
  5. You're right , i don't like usually how the tone controls react in THU TH3 usually , a simple Filter built in ala Brainworx would have been handy .... I do fin their cabinet decent versus other stuff ... Nembrini got everything right ... but one thing i noticed is that the lack of dynamic of the nembreni versus Amplitube and THU BUT i then wtach video of real things and it sounds as crappy lol ...my conclusion is simple : while i'm looking for Sound in its essecnce , some people around are looking for realism and being close to the real thing , that's why we differ .... All good .... both approch make sens .
  6. Amp : don t buy them just for that , amplitube and th3 are perfect playgrounds already , pedals : i would say yes , give those a try , really .
  7. Hit the support , their tchat is fast and they re cool
  8. I know what i m asking is , are you asking us about amp on those or pedals and drives ?
  9. Larry , is the preset management finally been working on this one ? Any cheaper elswhere ?
  10. That sounds interesting ....
  11. ypou're talking amps or drives ?
  12. ok guyz stay calm check this one to calm down Christian , for GTR use i don't need any of those , those are color boxes for my lofi work , the lofi clipper is exellent and enougth , the psa 1000 is more complexe is fun , but i could live without , it's great to replace several pedal prior to an amp , so if you went for amps like PA or Nembrini , this could be usefull /.//... if you need this for synth drums ect ...RC 20 or even Arturia MiniFilter will do the job !!
  13. Do you find any limitation on what you wanna do ? Do you like the results ?
  14. I ain t even bother reading the thread lol , some plugin wet dry is unusable due to internal modulation , softube tape is an exemple unluess you go full stable speed . This to say that most of the time i try to not use wet dry knobs to judge a plugin sound , it should work great like that , and if wet dry is amust and don twork , i skip the plugin but if wet dry is an option only even if not working great , but the plugin without still gives me good results i m in ... Pretty sure most of comments where done based on drums nope ? EDIT : testing as i type , i think the problem is how they mus approchaing wet dry ...basically people like to start at Dry and then go wet , in this case i hear what they hear ... but in my yesturday preset , i'm at 9 oclock don 't exeed 12 and i'm good ... what buggs me is that it doesn ' t recall size settings...
  15. Yep guyz the diezel is one of the best amp sim around , carlos the dt 990 have like a 10 db boost on the high , now i understand why your so sensitive to highs ... be sure to use sonarworks with this beyer witch i own and use since more than a decade !! Exellent headphone . My preset wasn t to make it sound like exactly the nembrini , just to show you in a track one can shine or the other ... also i got the high right just with simple smooth cutoff ... like on nembrini stuff .... @Christian Jones i never tried the real pedal , i m no guitar player by the way , ain t that funny ? But i do love what i hear ... @ensonced you re totaly right about that , on my course about vocal editing , i show students how to create it via melodyne , what is great with melodyne , you can shift randomly micro pitch , timing ect ...so this is super convincing since it s not always the same shift per notes !!! But at the end i tell them if you can , double it for real , nothing like that ...
  16. Man i'm trying his other stuff : piece of art , nothing tgo say , already thinking of introducing this to my course , psa 1000 is unreal as well as the boss and the clipper on beats ...synths ,basses .... this man has a sens of aestehtics , it's no subtile and i love it ..... Lo Fi production heaven , between this guyz and Goodhertz ...miam miam !! And the analog link is just a beauty , think PA TMT but less subtile !!
  17. @Carlos just tried the mebrini marshall high versus soldano : marshall killed it in high gain .... soldano is fogy and less articulated .... remind me the megasignle , witch would be bewteen both imho ...my conclusion would be : get both lol soldano for crunch and clean , marshall for high stuff ... (even crunch is good on it) EDIT : i figured out that i was using 2 ribbon so switching to a 421 and ribbon gave me more precision and more of tha crunch aka that granularity i love about tweeds ... (using the 1960 cab) Both amps rocks ... hard to pick one if had too ... as a clean or crunch like i said i would go certainly soldano
  18. O hyeah guyz for thios "digital harsness you describe " ribbon is your friend !!!
  19. Carlos check this out ...respect the settings exept the input (digital) just crunch what's needed ...and try the mebrini start from there /... Notice tha with Masrhall you have to crank the gain to get tha meat so cranck it with output master and play with input and output on the botton It's not aimed to be the same sound ..just to let you feel how hard to say one is better than another ...in this track i have here ... the mebrini is tio thin and precise ...i need density and dirt
  20. nah it's one video i guess , i have gtr and bass tone around , i don't play but i'm no joke when it comes to those tones ....lol being based in New Orleans back then didn't helped !!
  21. Hey Christian i never covered amp sim ...but this might be something i will dig in ..... here the link ..... we usually ppst new ones here but be sure to sub and hit the bell for you to be notified , that said , google is less efficient than Larry !! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtqpV5UiTcxuAtR-BpW1Ihw
  22. I have V2 and played with V3 the porblem is that i have Omnispher , Falcon , phase plant , UHE's , Arturias , NI's ..SDoftuibes ect ...lol that's the main issue we all have around lol
  23. Already have this but deal is so good , makes me wanna buy it lol
  24. In this case Fleer they double the fetures with another layer capbility so it was a real update and i think reading you that they done it on purpose , if it was there from scracth peopel could have thinked of "ye you gotta pay for ui scaling ?!! update price is honest 39 $ now , still don't know if i'm gonna jump or wait until theyr update others and ugrade the whole bundle ...
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