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Everything posted by Zo

  1. tthe gap between 2Tb and 4 Tb prices is ridciulous !!
  2. Yep the chandler takes times to paster , what i like is that it s rarely fatiguing to the ears ... and can sounds british to bluesy .... doesn tsounds fat and so can fit in busy mixes easier than lets say a fender (bassdude)
  3. Oh by the way of any of you have or can have double licence of mesa boogie and wana sell one , i m here !
  4. By the way guyz don't forget to use this as an FX ... i used here on drums elements to have tha mid dirt on HH and rimshot , toms ect ..: beauties and instant Don't overlook this plugin !!
  5. Wish list : Tc electronic Clarity M Stereo NI komplete kontrol M32 Softube Monoment bass (certainly gonna jump on it) Reason 11 Granite Or Mangle
  6. @Peter - IK Multimedia @Ryan IK Multimedia Hi guyz , just wanted to share something as i'm preparing courses for students ... i'm really thinking that you should push IK to propose Pedals FX as exetrenal modules or a Stomp version of Amplitube just for that prupose and sound design , some beauties in here !!! same for cabinets ect .... i know all can be done in amplitube but this could give stuff a second life and be damm usefull for users !!
  7. that sucks ...i hope i will still get vaucher next month ...
  8. Anybody have a vaucher for Zilla .... did i gave mine to somebody ? maybe ...lol
  9. Guyz i just bought the chandler and when tring to use my vaucher from september , no way to do it ... i laredy used another vaucher for a previous purchase and kept mine for this one ...are we loked to one vaucher per month usage ? wtf ?
  10. Don't wantto go off topic , but i won both , Cubase is deep super , but it lacks a lot when it come to creative tools ... can't extract chord form audio , can't combine and route fx and instruments like i can in S1 , can't put an fx on clips , console view , can't handle what's displayed via track manager if it's docked to track view , plugin manager , picture of vertical plugins is ENOURMOUS ... so i tend to not do it helas ... interface is so ...german ... and looking for function leds you to endless menu , i don't even talk about macros that are not availlable in a dock but vie menus !!! Ect ....small stuff here and there that can be annoying ... so saying cubase is the best daw or this daws is the best is meh ...
  11. I will happily do one , to cover also the misunderstood art of mastering at the same time ...
  12. I heard good things about it ... i do rhink reason might have a second life ... will try to review it ...and it will be fresh since i never used it since a decade...
  13. My enemies lol .... ok i m out ...
  14. So uninspiring to work my friend the gui have more than 10 years ...small lifting but so oldschool and to many subpages ect .....workflow killing , omnispere for me is just a preset browser ...and rompler ...most of the time ...
  15. Zo

    XLN Updates

    The have a great update coming for Xo with new features ...so i guess they're fully into it ...
  16. Guyz to jump on the think tank ... i ve found that sometime i work a whole track ...then i sample some parts ...mandke those and start a new crazzzzy thing even deeper in emotion ... in fact creating my own records to sample ... and there s a direct connection that makes the final piece so in phase that its scary !! For that purpose also , i m digging deep into granular and any sample based synthesis like wavetables ... i ve found some greatavstuff around if any of you guyz can give its feeling , i need to use one also to show student at cours Mangle padshop pro NI form Ominsphere Granite Reason 11 ( but too expensive for now) If you have any suggestions
  17. Well the concept of the song , french song of the 80 is a letter from a terrestrial to an extra terrestrial asking him why do i live , why do i die , why do i laugth , why do i cry , i feel so bad in my skin ...ect i feel something that attracs me upper and upper ect .... so it really adds to the song , specially when he gave hommage to the young kid that died and his parents ...
  18. lol the problem begins when you update computer you get a back rush of gaz ...double doze !!
  19. i understanbd so let's do it like this , witch amp sim waoh'ed you the most at first play and then after honey moon ... (sorry to bother you i'm asking this to all my Gtr friend around lol)
  20. yep the concert is a mix of Specatuclar unhuman songs and regular asiatic pop stuff ... it's really something to watch for any serious musician / producer /singer .... the live engeener , musician , the performance is solid ....
  21. omg you'rrrrrreeeeee noooottttt heeeellping...lol Nah mores eioursly my sound and love is bluesy , jazzy tones . ...and i 've found the chandler quite good at this but if i can get better Fenders are exellent ...also and i do find the chnadler between orange and fenders , but i don't master its all sounds posisbility (not that easy to get all around) and my vuacher dies in 2 dayz so you're in consulting dress madame here !!
  22. well i don't know bout revalver but chnalder is 10 $ for me here lol that's a gaz starter ahahah
  23. watch at 20 min 40 and great musician jam at 40 min if i recall well ... oh yep and listen to the song after classic french beauty song
  24. Grem , ive been fortunate to work on an album were i had great singers (chorist singer that work with Tina aena , Laura Pausinin, Celine dion ect ..) and i know a lot of lyricist ...the best singers i saw were iether arabic or from far est ...but this one is a beast ...6 octave like nothing ... and all technics from arabic to modern to Mongolia ect ...theonly thing he misses lool : Swing aahahah he passes from checst to head voices like nothing goes up 3 octave goes back ect ...without one hi ccup .... check this one : this is what we call interpretation !! https://youtu.be/xLEQzfqO_l0 Put the subs ..Russian songs are deep !!
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