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Everything posted by Zo

  1. lol a chance positive "greed" offer is the most confusing and overlapping offer around lol !!
  2. Can t believe i cliked on the link ...wtf ...
  3. I have to do a video on it , so stay tuned ... sale is other but for BF or december we never know ...
  4. Larry , where is the instant gaz killa ?
  5. @synkrotron tell me you tried Softube Parallels !!
  6. people don't give harmony its time .... it was refreshing , been browsing listening to this ....
  7. Yep you're right , now my deals at NI sales looks less like "yah !!"
  8. i stopped this game with PA , they let you use your vaucher an dthen put a deal that everybody want like the shadows hill or something else to then put in a position to buy it witch vaucher ...lol classic ...
  9. Lol yep but i wonder what resolution he is working on lol ... was lazy to reformulate lol ipad doesn t help ...
  10. I aint getting it for that exact reason ... tired of killing my eyes because they keep ignoring requests ...
  11. Parallels coming soon ...i hope ...
  12. I went super deep so take your time .... guyz , grab a drink ....and enjoy the ride ... Be sure to check key stuff like Aging , crossover , filter ect ...
  13. Lol ok now i will have to start paying you like for a job for hire !! Better late than never , i went deep showing every single soundsources ...alos on control than imho weren't covered as it supposed to be (Aging and cross over are first on my list) Here's a requested video of what i consider an exellent piece of work from Softube . 1) Quik plugin tour and presentation of the concept 2) FULL soundsources tour !!! @ 5 min 18 2.1) The Aging control (pure beauty!!) @ 17min 23 2.2) Guest apparance of audiothing springs @ 23 min 2.3) The Ambiences @ 37.27 2.4) The Filter 1h00 2.5) The Cross Over 1h17 min 3) Presets tour and production 4) Conclusion @ 1h35 min Thks For watching
  14. If i recall well Bose have one ... or used to have one and praised it to me via pm ... https://www.gearslutz.com/board/members/350749-b0se/
  15. For mastering , let's say you want transparency and quality compression : Vertigo VSC 3 / SSL X Comp and the newly release MU plugin witch is cheap 50 $ and Alpha comp , Magic death Eye from DDMF Now if you want color and superb compression : Iron is my fave versus shadow hills (close enougth but more color option imho) ...
  16. The shadow Hills is really solid ..watch my video on it , if not already , the controls are simple once you get your head around , the focusrite is olid also ...you made a solid choice , just be sure to not buy anything now !!! lol
  17. Matt we told run run run !!! , if you ask me it's too much , that said SH alone is what people paid for those 3 .... Lion is sure a beast but what a pain to look at ...that alone is a deal breaker for me ...
  18. when it's not comercial i think for reviews it might be allowed ..gonna ask
  19. cool for viedos and tests i say ... good idea imho !!
  20. lol you have any PA amp ? yes i might want some , i'm preparing courses for students and i'm using amps to make them learn several stuff from soudn design to mic placement impacts (thks to AT)
  21. Carlos witch one did you wanted ?
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