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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Here we Go @Carlos it's even named your name now you drop crazy lyrics on it ... 65 bpm .. waiting for files !! Carlos.wav
  2. next album wilml definitly using those that's why i bougth those now and not waited for K13U !!! That said i'm finshing mixing actual one .... Lofi also but classy style didn't seen that also sound control is deep !!!
  3. and deep mcros crontrol !!!
  4. The other goodie is this : control other the FX !!!
  5. Ok guyz great new stuff added , i think the script of Lo fi glow is what i hope NI will update other play series to ...and one thing that can expand the life of those is that random : Basically it give a sound so many dna that you can be sure to end up with something dieffrent !!
  6. Fastest purchase i made to date lol i will tell you if it's worth
  7. Doesn't CS supposed to notify us ? Having to dowload 1.5 g with my shitty internet conncetion i forgot about that ...noooooooo !!!!
  8. dope shit Time to use vauchers ....25 per expansion seems legit
  9. Stupid question how to demo ? custom shop doesn't proposes update ....
  10. Price of one plugin incertain brand s ut beware of cpu hit , i don t use the reverbs and the tg beacuse of that ....
  11. For non native speaking english , his delivery is like he got a train to catch , to much informaton condensed in videos .... it s top quality but i tend to skip now ... again top quality stuff but for exemple , the guy from mixbus , is more pedagogical and takes his time ...
  12. Zo

    Ozone 8 Advanced

    Guyz cna 't find this info anywhere : can we still use ozone advanced after v7 in standalone with third party plugins ? (crucial for me for sonarworks and arc stuff)
  13. Lol sorry i forgot myself , instant lost of control , my bad ....
  14. Now use it and stop buying stuff lol !!!
  15. Best price seen , this is one of the best delay around ...
  16. Guyz is ozone 9 elements is still standalone and allows 3rd party plugins ? If i understand well the element don t have all assistant bulshit and vintage modules ?
  17. Dude this got me so uninteresseted , i was happy i could skip'it without any remorse ....
  18. All i can say friends is that if someone have the alpha comp or the spl iron , no need to stress about this one , it s great and the only advantage is the double topology , understand 2 comps in series that can be easily done by yourself ... question if someone has a 75 vaucher and i gibe him my 25 one , can he by two instances and use sevral vauchers ? If this can help .
  19. Zo

    Arturia Effect Updates

    I would say the filters need it like crazy imho ...i ain't updating it for real !!
  20. Zo

    Arturia Effect Updates

    Did ya guyz tried the spring ?
  21. Zo


    Hi guyz working on mixing my unmixed stuff ...and happy to get back in sonar , so smooth and intuitif .... really hope they get it on pair with other daws in workflow specially plugins browsers ect ... I used my alaphtarck but i keep having stuff displayed in japanese ?!
  22. Fair point they should do a demo version with like 4 or five sintruments with 2 articlutaions each ....
  23. I know ! Albion V was the bench for me
  24. Do us a review and no honey mooning around , be critical
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