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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. Opened 2021.01 for me. All seems ok initially. Thanks to the team and the testers for the latest release!
  2. I'm not touching 20H2 with a bargepole - fortunately I haven't been pushed to install yet though it is in my optional updates
  3. It looks that way from the website - you can import to ST3 and use in ST4 but not sure how they would stand up to modern sounds - I have a few I got when I had ST2
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll give it a miss especially as I have lots of free reverbs already
  5. I'll stick with Discover, Garritan PO and Miroslav ?
  6. I got the email. I'm not going to rush into it this time though.....
  7. Thanks. I must admit I thought SFZ were soundfonts! I'll stick to samples then
  8. Thanks. Is there an advantage to creating soundfonts rather than making a sampler instrument?
  9. Thanks scook - post crossed. Not heard of Grace - will look at that too
  10. Thanks that was the one I was aware of. Not sure how easy it is to use but I will investigate Would another option be to create sound fonts using Sforzando or similar?
  11. I've recently bought Zero G's World pack which includes multisamples to create a multisampled instrument. I've not created one before so was wondering what I am best to use. I'm assuming one of the samplers in Reason would be a possibility but if I wanted an instrument I could use in CbB what should I use? Not sure if it is possible to set one up in the free versions of Kontakt Player, Komplete Kontrol, Halion SE, Momentum or Independence that I own. If not what is the most user friendly free sampler around - ideally one that could automatically map the samples across the keyboard - or am I asking too much of a freebie? Thanks in anticipation of any advice you can give me
  12. JoeGBradford

    How to do this?

    I know that feeling only too well Bill!
  13. oops too late - I've got 2 factor authentication on paypal though I think it looked to use shop pay which I've also got 2 factor on I've deleted my card from Shoppay as it was almost expired anyway
  14. What was that I said about not downloading any more free effects?.......
  15. JoeGBradford

    How to do this?

    There are some really superb free synths and effects in the CM downloads. Bazille CM and Thorn CM are particularly good - as is Dune CM Also there are IK effects and instruments which give you an upgrade path for their other instruments, effects and bundles
  16. I just put a short cut to frequently used projects on my desktop (but then forget to use them most of the time!
  17. I have their free Layers orchestral instrument and haven't had any problems with that
  18. Ah thanks I didn't know that as I downloaded as one bundle
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