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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. Ooh yes it's there ?
  2. If you install Cakewalk by Bandlab there are many, many VST instruments and effects that you can get for free or a small cost. In my view it would not be worth buying another DAW just for the included instruments (though I'd stand to be corrected). It is worth trying demos of the different DAWs and see if any feel more intuitive to you than Cakewalk - if not use Cakewalk and add on instruments and effects as required. Be aware though, like any serious software, there is a learning curve to go through but there are many excellent tutorial videos on line including whole series on Cakewalk from Creative Suace and Home Studio Simplified to name but two!
  3. I only have Arturia Analog 4 & 5 Lite and getting a price of 69 euro - and the same to upgrade to Analog 4 I have more synths than I ever have time to play with so I'll pass but they seem good deals
  4. The Percussion one was their last one before this
  5. These look very interesting. Anyone got them and can report?
  6. Not bad at all. Miroslav is a bit long in the tooth now but not a bad place to start. CE has most of the instruments you will need for orchestral mockups but of course articulations are somewhat limited. At that price though it is a good deal unless you want to wait for the next deal on a Total Studio Max package to get the full version and lots more!
  7. See, I wouldn't have known this if you hadn't returned from the wilderness. Cheers!
  8. Welcome back! You've been missed. Hope things went well.
  9. Ah thanks - I went into My Products and then to Jam Points and they were added ?
  10. Nope can't see them either logged out and refreshed browser - mind you I think it is unlikely I would ever use them as can't see me spending a huge amount on IK stuff now that I have Total Max 2
  11. I thought that when the additional sections were added - would be a simple thing to do presumably?
  12. I'm sort of relieved you couldn't find any sounds either, John! I have the free Halion Glockenspiel and a Baltic soundset I bought recently and that is all I could find. I did update Halion SE3 to the latest version as mine was a few releases behind but didn't get any additional sounds then either. I'm glad I unticked the Generic ASIO driver I use ASIO4All (I know, I know ? but it works for me most of the time!) with my onboard sound and didn't want that messed up So still not sure where / how Xel Ohh got his sounds from. Agree with the Steinberg licensing comment too - what a pain - I added the free Guitar Harmonics and it didn't see it at first until I undertook the maintenance procedure again
  13. I went through the Swatches update yesterday and found that some of the patches were very slow to load. I don't remember this being an issue with previous versions. Anyone had same issues. It seemed to happen after going through a few sounds
  14. This is interesting - been using LABS for a long time and had no problems - I'll remember to save my work more frequently now though!
  15. Great video and an excellent short track. Loved the way you built up the sounds!
  16. Sounds great - have you thought about a duduk Jason? Very few good ones around - only Tarilonte's Desert Winds comes close from what I have heard
  17. I had a quick watch of the Duduk (my favourite instrument) walkthrough by the same developer - sounded nothing like one from the bits I heard. Tarilonte's Desert Winds has a beautiful one but haven't managed to justify the spend yet. I agree re the sounds of the tin whistle - as a folky of over 40 years I wasn't impressed. The interface is pretty grim too
  18. Thanks John that was really useful!
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