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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I'd be keen to see improvements to the staff view too. I usually use piano roll as it is more flexible but would find a more usable staff view very helpful
  2. Ah that's great. Must have missed that! Possibly because I downloaded a mix which comprises two MP3 files rather than downloading individual files. Glad it's proving useful!
  3. Looks like the AL 5 updates cured the problem I had with favourites and preset change buttons not showing up in CbB (but showing up in Reason). Or maybe it was just reinstalling that solved the issue
  4. Fair point! Agreed PIB have done the right thing!
  5. Or here. Except I had to install them on system drive for them to work rather than data drive where I keep most of my VSTs
  6. Yeah I checked that's where I got it too. It was another unused IK effect that I got from CM ? I'm sure they're very good though
  7. The BBC have opened up their sound effects library for free download (mp3 only unfortunately and only for non commercial use). They also have a basic mixer you can use to put together a mix of sounds and share it - though I don't seem to be able to actually save the mix which is odd but maybe I'm missing something https://sound-effects.bbcrewind.co.uk/search
  8. I think this is the one that was free with Computer Music a while back. If so proved very useful when I got TS Max 2 as it gave me upgrade pricing. Not used it yet though!
  9. Second the advice to watch Creative Sauce tutorials. Mike is a great tutor and he has a whole series on Cakewalk and another on recording a song. There are lots of other excellent tutorials out there too. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCESNxzJHzDnCIuRO0RhQLeA
  10. I got the problem so restarted and all was well then
  11. Analog Lab Lite is superb well worth exploring! Around 900 sounds and then a load more available from their website (though I didn't find a huge number of useful sounds in these additional packs but that is probably just me!)
  12. This is a recognised issue which has been the subject of a few previous threads. I believe the issue is with the plugin rather than CbB but it clearly hasn't been fixed yet
  13. Not coming up as an update within CbB yet - maybe a lag before it is available there? Thanks anyway guys! Great work as always and I'll be happy to get it when I get it!
  14. Not impressed by the installation procedure - the link you receive from CM takes you to the download page. Installs fine but when you open it it then tells you to update so you have to go through the rigmarole again! Haven't tried it yet but hope it's not as buggy as full version is reported to be. Doesn't look very inspiring. I think that is the last of my CM subscription so I'll have to decide if it is worth bothering again if a good deal comes up. I got these for about £1.20 each which was worth it I suppose
  15. Agree the strings are very nice - just sustains and spiccatos but a good full sound in both. The piano si ok but I have those coming out of my ears! Percussion is ok if a bit limited - a small selection of rolls and hits
  16. I got an install error on this when updating Player but used their suggested NI Uninstall RegTool and it seemed to fix the problem - not had an issue previously with Kontakt updates
  17. Working OK now - once I remembered how to get to the downloads! So unintuitive! Not tried the sounds yet - saving that treat for tomorrow
  18. Cannot retrieve online content. Integration Error nested: RESTCallInvalidJSONError - The response of the REST call contained invalid JSON. RESTCallError - The REST call failed. I'll try again tomorrow ?
  19. No joy here - instruments showing up in Sine but no way to download and getting spurious error messages - I think their site might be getting hammered!
  20. Yeah it's hard to know what is causing your issues. I just boot up the programme and it's running in around 20 seconds. There are occasional updates but that's good news and they take very little time to install. You need to tell us what your set up is etc to see if anyone can help. Don't knock the development team though, they're doing a great job and I'm sure will help if you need it
  21. I've had that happen a few times too - thought it was my age.......relieved it's not just me ?
  22. I was thinking about your Tutorial thread earlier when I was wanting to see where my HB AAS soundpacks had sown their seeds! ?
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