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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. That pesky abacab - I'd have beaten Larry if wasn't for him!
  2. Have I actually beaten Larry to this one?! https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/pipe-organ?__s=gzw6qow58ownp56lonyy
  3. There are many excellent tutorials around that you could follow. Mike at Creative Sauce has a whole series from first steps.
  4. Installing the Synthwave sounds and the free AT content seemed to reset my content paths in ST4! It deleted my ST3 path and replaced it with an additional ST4 one! I've reset the paths and rescanned and it seems to be ok now. I was very confused when I opened ST4 initially and most of my content had the download symbol overlay!
  5. Sorry to hear that, Bill. Best wishes from York in England
  6. Yes good luck to Robert with this. He has contributed a lot of excellent tutorial and other material for free so I can't imagine anyone would begrudge him success with this course
  7. I fancied that but my ageing graphics card isn't up to it - still I've got a backlog of Epic & Ubisoft games to try out from when they had their Christmas giveaway
  8. Agreed - Mike is an excellent tutor & seems a really nice guy too
  9. That was so easy I wish I had done it ages ago! Thanks again!
  10. Worked ok here - the one that doesn't work for me is the Steinberg - had to go to their website direct to dl
  11. There is a new update to IK's Product Manager and AT5 which may help if you don't have them? I only have the free version of AT5 so don't know if this might be a solution but maybe worth a try?
  12. Yes just tried here too - just opened a project with Halion Sonic SE and saved it without any problems ?
  13. Ah I am hoping that this is the one (saves me troubling Noel for the one he has)
  14. I have a huge number of VSTi s that are in the Uncategorised 'folder' under the VSTi tab in the Browser pane and I want to move these into different and, in some cases, new folders. Could someone please advise of the best way to do this? Thanks in advance
  15. This series of tutorials doesn't cover your specific question (that has already been answered) but is a great introduction to Cakewalk from first steps. All of Mike's videos are easy to follow and entertaining to watch and as you progress I'm sure you will find them invaluable as I have done
  16. The guys at PIB are giving away 25 plugins during their video starting in a couple of minutes
  17. A good deal - just a shame the upgrade from Player isn't discounted as well
  18. You're running hot today Larry! Thanks for the notifications.
  19. Ah just got this too with a project with Halion Sonic in it! I remembered there being an issue and search came up with this thread. Does anyone know if they have issued a fix yet?
  20. Thanks - just realised it is an expansion though and I don't have original!
  21. Doesn't seem to be available in UK sadly. I'll keep an eye out though ?
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