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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. Merry Christmas from the beautiful city of York. Thanks so much for all the help and (especially Larry!) the deals!
  2. Certainly does - I'm sure it was over 2000 at last look! Welcome Chuffey - the guys here will help you as much as they helped me I'm sure - don't be afraid to ask anything! We're all still learning!
  3. Mike's video's are superb - well worth subscribing to his channel
  4. Oh dear. I think I'll unsubscribe from their site and not bother with the free midi (which did arrive without any issue)
  5. Oh I hope not. Downloaded these last night. Nothing flagged up a problem
  6. If you wanted to try a modern synth for little money it might be worth checking out Rob Papen's Go2 - I got it very cheap with loyalty points I had but even at £21 I would say it was a good buy. Also second what people say about the Air synths - just make sure you get them cheap as they are almost always on offer! There's a couple of £10 packages at PlugIn Boutique at the moment. I really like Xpand2 and Hybrid & Vacuum pro are entertaining too. I suspect they may be a bit long in the tooth now but work fine for me in CbB
  7. I've got so many games after the Ubisoft freebies I haven't got room to install the Epic ones yet until I decide which of the former are worth keeping!
  8. Thanks - I thought that would be the case but not used Epic before
  9. I'm not at my PC at the moment but I've created an account and ordered the game. I assume I can now download this any time not just today?
  10. I went for the Male Choir but it was a tough choice!
  11. Seconded - great work guys and always very supportive!
  12. Many condolences. It's a dreadful thing this virus
  13. I'll have to check out the male choir and flageolet strings. I liked the sound of the violas and children's choir too
  14. Reid - would you have any recommendations for a sub 25 euro patch? - some of the brasses and strings sound good in Inspire but there maybe stuff I've missed!
  15. Got through a whole day without being tempted by a freebie - though I was wondering about that Wusik looper thingy......
  16. I got an email at 12 minutes past midnight GMT. I don't know if the code is a personal one or a general one TS2S1F6H
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