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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. JoeGBradford

    How to do this?

    I know that feeling only too well Bill!
  2. oops too late - I've got 2 factor authentication on paypal though I think it looked to use shop pay which I've also got 2 factor on I've deleted my card from Shoppay as it was almost expired anyway
  3. What was that I said about not downloading any more free effects?.......
  4. JoeGBradford

    How to do this?

    There are some really superb free synths and effects in the CM downloads. Bazille CM and Thorn CM are particularly good - as is Dune CM Also there are IK effects and instruments which give you an upgrade path for their other instruments, effects and bundles
  5. I just put a short cut to frequently used projects on my desktop (but then forget to use them most of the time!
  6. I have their free Layers orchestral instrument and haven't had any problems with that
  7. Ah thanks I didn't know that as I downloaded as one bundle
  8. Computer Music once described it as the only synth you'd ever need. They hadn't reckoned with those of us on the deals forum ?
  9. Isn't PS Free Orchestra a one off whilst this seems more like Labs - intermittent releases of individual instruments?
  10. Looks like OT are following in the footsteps of Spitfire - should be some good stuff in there - kicking off late January
  11. By coincidence just noticed it's several months since my last back up! I'll do it tomorrow.......
  12. Great advice there mettelus and I repeat my suggestion of checking out the Creative Sauce tutorials I mentioned earlier - also Robert at Home Studio Simplified has some excellent CbB tutorials here https://www.homestudiosimplified.com/2020/12/cakewalk-by-bandlab-tutorials.html I must admit I seem to spend more tie watching tutorials than writing music at the moment!
  13. On the last point - not a chance ?
  14. Have you downloaded Studio Drums when you downloaded CbB? There are some patterns in there that may work for you. If you haven't there are also other Studio Instruments to download
  15. The soft synth is the instrument you assign the midi notes to - if you have recorded a midi track insert a soft synth in the track below it - go up to the menu along the top of the screen and click on insert then hover over soft synth - that will give you a list of the soft synths you have installed. Click on the one you want. Then click on your midi track - at the bottom left of the screen you should see a small rectangular box with the letter 'o' in it - this is your midi track's output - click on the dropdown arrow to reveal the instrument you want to output to. Hope this helps a little!
  16. I noticed it (but knew already) - at least they didn't put it first - that would have been very dodgy!
  17. Happy New Year everyone - let's hope it is a better and kinder one (but still with lots of great deals ? )
  18. Glad everything has worked out for you. Check out the Deals sub forum here for news of other bargains. Larry there is hot when it comes to spotting new deals!
  19. Happy New Year everyone. Let's hope it's a better one!
  20. All very strange. Still at least I can go through and 'like' presets on Reason and they should then show up in the Liked tab
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