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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. https://www.decadebridge.com/category/software/saltline/ OK 32 bit BUT .. hey!!!
  2. At $43.99 SURELY this is a steal?
  3. Interesting that no one here yet did not go any further than the offer page at the Arturia site and see whats there beyond the $99 / €99 If you did you would see they are offering something interesting where the payment is concerned. You can pay this amount over 2 or 3 or 4 months for an extra $5 processing fee
  4. About the SLOW thing. I found it very helpful a while back to go into PREFERENCES then ADVANCED and untick SILENT INSTALL. This will bring up the individual installer window for each of the instruments so you end up with way more control over each install and how long it takes.
  5. Am I correct in saying that whichever version of REASON you own or buy, the actual core program itself is the same? Its the added instruments and efx that make the different versions and prices?
  6. Reason 11 is now OFFICIALLY out: https://www.reasonstudios.com/ For anyone interested. Reason Intro works as a plugin also, so at €79 it might be worth it for some w/o breaking the bank COMPARE & prices - https://www.reasonstudios.com/en/reason/buy Am I correct in saying REASON Intro as just the core software program itself is the exact same as Reason Full? The only diff between the two is the number of instruments, effects etc. If so & with Reason ability to use all your 3rd party VSTs also then .. not much reason to go for the full version unless you particularly needed a reason instrument?
  7. https://www.ghosthack.de/remository/free-sounds/unique-drum-collection/ "Unique Drum Collection Upgrade Your Drum Library Now - 100% Free! We proudly present the Unique Drum Collection - a sound library of exclusive experimental drums and percussion for you. And the best thing is, for a limited amount of time it is 100% free! After this time it will go straight into our shop and won't be available here anymore. 300 Drum One-Shots and Loops Unpacked Size of 237 MB Expect glitch percussion loops, foley percussion, inspiring drum loop stems and fills covering a range of tempos, deep 808 kicks, processed synth drum hits and cymbals and much more - Everything you need to start writing fresh drum tracks!" Also coupon GIFT35 for 35% off all soundbanks
  8. I have found it better to login to your Arturia Software center, then the cog on the left for settings and disable SILENT INSTALL. Rather than the ASC going off and installing w/o intervention .. turning off silent install will go the trad route popping up with a usual next / next .. choose path installation / upgrade process for each individual instrument
  9. I have V5 .. my "Special" upgrade price is €199 ( Euros ). Flat out NO .. Max €99 but even at that it would have to be a very compelling reason. I also just went into Arturia Software Centre and noticed I get an update for pretty much all the existing instruments plus Analog Lab 4.
  10. Yip. Interesting though that those of us with Komplete full are being emailed about Komplete Start
  11. Is there any stuff in this Komplete Start worth having that is not already in Komplete full ( which I already have )?
  12. Actually I have to ask WHY would you buy SYNTRONIK if you have the free version? It seems the only difference between free and full are the presets? From what I can see you get all the synths with the free version plus all the EFX, Arpegiator and so on AND you can just save your own presets for each of the instruments? So .. WHY Buy Is it that the full version includes far more samples to tweak and play with so to speak, than the free version?
  13. Yes I understand that FLStudio and Reason originate from Pattern Based sequencers. So a different sort of sequencer. However ACID vs CAKEWALK. Both handle Audio ( samples etc ) and Midi tracks. Both use all VSTs etc. Both time stretch. https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/new-time-stretching-cakewalk-bandlab Just wondering .. what has ACID got that Cakewalk does not ..
  14. Get them while they going I would say .. just enrolled in most of them because most of interest going forward. UDEMY enrolled courses are lifetime .. so enroll now, use when ever you like into the future!
  15. Why would one want ACID if you already use Cakewalk? Same Q I suppose if you already have FLStudio or Reason??
  16. OK, thanks guys. Essentially I think NO is the answer. The MATRIX view I dont think will work either? In the case of the image shown in OP its one continuous MIDI note ( not sample ) for 4 bars playing an evolving ambient type synth sound. It starts quieter and then builds in bar 2 and 3 then fades in bar 4. By using the standard loop thing it plays in with bar 1 but then loops the evolved "full" sound in bar 2 and 3 continuously which is the exact "sound" I want looped for the whole ambient piece as an underlying soundscape. Think of it this way, the sound builds UP in bar 1, then plays full volume in bar 2 and 3 before fading in bar 4. I tried to freeze it, split it at start of bar 2 end of bar 3 and then drag drop that middle part to the MATRIX. Yes Matrix continuous looped it but when it hit end of loop you get that "glitch" as it ends coming back around to start. By looping the 2nd and 3rd bar of the one midi note w/o freeze you get a seamless continuous play. So hope that explains it a bit more ..
  17. Hi Guys, I have a single track in a project with a background drone going continuously. However the "sweet spot" for the drone note is the centre two bars of a four bar midi note. Track plays from start, hits the loop start at bar 2 and end of loop at start of bar 4, goes back to start of loop at bar 2 and around and around. This so you get the initial start of the drone but the continuous drone is the loop part: So is it possible to loop one track ONLY like this within a multitrack project, leaving all other tracks to play from start to end of project/song without looping?
  18. Anybody else having issues with Aerkord and/or Abstrung .. Load times particularly? I did all the batch save, save as and exclusion in Windows AV. Double click NKI and it goes to spinning cursor for about a minute. Then it loads its window showing a progess bar for another 30 seconds and finally the U/I for both. All my other Kontakt instruments load way faster than this, some larger than these. Any ideas?
  19. When ye mention RESAVING the patches? Do ye mean batch resave or literally SAVE AS via the file menu?
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