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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. Hi Guys, When I open CW ( Latest version ). By default the START SCREEN is set to open. CW gives me a "Not Responding" and takes a while to present the start screen, does eventually. So I went into PREFERENCES, Display, Other and unticked SHOW START SCREEN. Apply i then closed CW and re opened it. All good, CW loaded as expected, nice and fast. Open a project nice and fast. Closed the project went to File menu, selected Start Screen .. same issue. Up top hard left by the Cakewalk Logo - NOT RESPONDING. So issue is with the start screen window it seems. Any way to sort this I wonder? My system spec - Core i5, 8GB Ram, 1TB SSD, Windows 10 with latest updates
  2. @Asato Maa Add me to the list for this request. Over atthe NEXT Beat Discord channel I mentioned similar in the Next Suggestions section: "In NEXT we have the PAD CONTROLLER which is similar-ish to the Matrix View in Sonar? Here I would love to see a CAKEWALK take on Abletons Session View. To maybe expand the PAD CONTROLLER so you can add samples, instruments, midi etc to the cells/columns. Then be able to play rows as well as columns .. great for creativity" Below is the ableton session view with sample track - 2nd row being played by pressing the play button over right under MAin / 2
  3. @Tim Smith Hi Tim. RUSH fan here I say that as the Rush guitarist Alex lifeson ( Classically trained ) uses a sort of major chord "Cheat" inversion up and down the neck for barred chords like F etc. I learned this from an Iron maiden & Camel session guitarist back in the day. It looks like this: So You can bar just the A D G B string with 2nd finger ( thumb is first in my language ), then use 4th 5th finger to hold down G string at the 5th fret and B string at 6th fret. This cheat also helps your finger stretch with a bit of practice. Dont need to play the two outer E strings. Slid this up and down the fret board to get F F# G etc etc.
  4. You would have to ask WHY Facebook isnt policing this particularly as there advert got elevated to Sponsored which they would have had to pay for.
  5. Just be aware of this guys. Popped up on my facebook feed as a sponsored link. Most of the comments on the post recognised it as scam at least
  6. I have been beta testing it and so far I really like it. Its simplicity I really like, it has more than enough for what I need. And where our band is concerned the cross platform aspect is a great advantage because two members are on MAC. I could really see myself moving to NEXT tbh. Sonar is as always excellent, but the simplicity of NEXT appeals to me tbh .. we will see
  7. So yes it appears CANVA did spend over $1 billion for Serif ( including Affinity ). Serif is 37 years old https://www.afr.com/technology/canva-s-billion-dollar-bet-on-a-37-year-old-nottingham-company-20240321-p5fea0?fbclid=IwAR3ZdWZ4vx2omKyawGQAU-N7bH4tZNLiBdiIEhgqnuG48OxAkRsyUteuQKM Canva has 4000 staff globaly. Serif has 90 staff in Nottingham, the UK. The acquisition is the second time Serif has been sold. In 1996, a now-defunct US software company called Vizacom bought Serif. But it sold the company back in 2001 during the dotcom crash for $US1.1 million to Serif management. Serif founders Jim Bryce and Gary Bates are no longer actively involved in the business, but remain directors and will receive a major payout from the Canva takeover. Here maybe a reason why CANVA bought Serif: Canva has made several acquisitions in the past but is building up to an eventual public listing in late 2025 or 2026, where it will be measured against companies like Microsoft and Adobe, which can bundle numerous products together for enterprise customers.
  8. Maybe of assistance @Kirean €94 to upgrade at the moment with the offer & includes a large creative collection: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/store/upgrade-offer/ Like I said is it worth that to have the V2 installers rather than v1
  9. I agree re subs. From a biz perspective it makes complete sense but from a hobbyist perspective I can see why it doesnt. The price Affinity is at was always going to be an issue. My thought on that is Serif knew they had a good thing, sold cheap to build a large user base relatively, make it saleable and then flog it on. I heard in a youtube vid ( maybe the one I posted above ) that Canva paid $1bn for Serif/Affinity. If that is the case, from Serifs perspective its a great day at the office. I think it's a no brainer for a bigger company to take them to subscription - so hold on to your installers! Agree 100% - Perpetual licenses will not make you money these days, only way to go if you want to make decent money is to go monthly / yearly subscriptions. The success of subs is in the area of streamers - Netflix, Prime, Spotify, Sky and so on .. small monthly amounts that people dont notice much. In biz terms it makes sense because you can spread costs over a financial year rather than playing 100s 1000s on perpetual licenses Q is if you dont yet have v2 is now the time to upgrade with the sale so at least you have the v2 installers instead of the older v1
  10. @Kirean I understood that if you buy v3 (or v2), you can use that forever. Yes .. at the mo its cheaper to just buy a new v3 lic if you have v1 ( like me ) otherwise you need to pay to upgrade v1 to v2 then pay again to upgrade v2 to v3. Once you have the version 3, my understanding is you get regular updates BUT you dont get anymore feature updates unless you buy an annual UPDATE PASS You can see this here: https://www.clipstudio.net/en/purchase/ Click on PERPETUAL LICENSE and it says - Pay once and use Ver. 3.0 forever Available only on Windows/macOS Update Pass available separately to get feature updates As I said its very confusing in my view. Trying to please all and not making a good job of it
  11. @Kirean Celsys payment model is most confusing now with both sub and perpetual. But even with perpetual you still have to pay and annual sub for the upgrades from the time you buy the license. You can now also pay annual sub to upgradeyour v1 to new v3 but if you dont pay the sub next year you are reverted back to v1. Its crazy confusing Oh and you can only use a license on ONE SYSTEM at a time
  12. Quiet a few people with thoughts on this cropping up on Youtube also
  13. Alot of activity over at AFFINITYs own forum on this subject https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/201413-affinity-is-joining-the-canva-family/ 16,400 views already and 304 replies
  14. Yip - my exact thought. In the world of 3D something similar happened with MODO 3D. Excellent standalone 3D software, breakaway from Lightwave. Had a great community and the CEO constantly in touch on forums etc and with videos and so on .. it was a very personalised type community setup. Then they sold to the Foundry, things after wards were not the same vibe at all
  15. Was reading REDDIT Posts facebook posts and other forum threads on this. Majority not happy at all. expecting it to go the ADOBE sub route and prices sky rocketing .. even though in the announcement they say there is no move to sub AT THE MOMENT What drew many away from ADOBE to AFFINITY was the buy and own + reasonable price. Maybe too reasonable and done by Serif with a view to building a base and wanting to sell it from the get go. I have v1 for ages, considering v2. I might do so at the mo, a sale on now. At least you end up owning it at V2 perpetual IF its goes sub. I originally moved from photoshop to Affinity as i could not justify the monthly sub for Photoshop vs my usage.
  16. Is the pro channel still in there I wonder? And did the matrix view get any more lovin ( closest to Ableton Session view which I find great as an ideas / creative tool )
  17. I logged in to have a look as I have V8 .. to go from V8 to V10 for me is €249 No from me
  18. Meanwhile LEGEND & HOT are down to $29 at UJAM https://www.ujam.com/drummer/legend/?&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ujam+-+Remarketing+Conversion+-+CPA&utm_content=Image+-+Product+Feed+-+CPA+Shop+Now&fbclid=IwAR3YJD3AeWwteJH-SyiLpalGEP5hJg3cE6GpVqwrkqzWljYLFEqozSqQcG8&country=US https://www.ujam.com/drummer/hot/?&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ujam+-+Remarketing+Conversion+-+CPA&utm_content=Image+-+Product+Feed+-+CPA+Shop+Now&fbclid=IwAR3YJD3AeWwteJH-SyiLpalGEP5hJg3cE6GpVqwrkqzWljYLFEqozSqQcG8
  19. Well, just got the BEAT Magazine Platinum 12 Month Subscription https://audioplugin.deals/product/beat-magazine-platinum-12-month-subscription/ With the FREE Ghost Samples 5-in-1 EDM Bundle & Riva by Rigid Audio For $26.99 with the coupon That sounds OK? APD will not be the only place with Patricks day reductions I imagine
  21. Just a thought. St patricks day is coming up this Sunday 17th March. Many plugin stores eg APD etc either do a coupon or come up with some special Patricks day deal. So I reckon if you are on the verge of a purchase and what you are buying is still available as a deal after patricks day then maybe chill for a few days and see if you can get further discounts. Happy St patricks day BTW ☘️ ( From Cork, ireland )
  22. Aha ... thats the bit I couldnt test as i did not want to "accidentally" buy it as i have v9 already and older versions back to 3 or 4. I was looking at this for band mates rather than me having to freeze arturia tracks in projects we are working on @cclarry It seems at this stage this offer is restricted to USA and CANADA. Maybe reflect this in the thread title????
  23. @overbit Have you tried buying this vi a VPN? As in that FREE VPN I mentioned above included with the FREE OPERA GX browser https://www.opera.com/gx
  24. @Fleer Is that ver of bitwig quiet limited? Other than the 8 track thing?
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