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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. These are basically preset banks for the Usynth .. $29 ( normal price $79 ) .. The full price for that is a bit steep? Usynth is included, so first time buy of Usynth preset is some sort of value but after than its just presets? I have Usynth already .. Previously bought 2080 - thats $19 at the mo. With regard presets in that, relatively, not alot in it, 19 bucks is at upper limit worth wise TBH https://www.ujam.com/usynth/2080/
  2. Here is a link to the LIMITATIONS in Bitwig Studio 8-Track vs Bitwig Studio https://www.bitwig.com/feature-list-8-track/ - Audio-, instrument-, hybrid tracks - 8 - EFX Tracks - 2 - VSTs - 2
  3. Love the first demo with Detroit house classic .. back to the 90s dance And TRACK 5 - Drum Towers - Y E L L O all over it Decent number of battery kits - 51
  4. If you have not heard of David Sanborn then here is a greatest hits mix over at Youtube
  5. Ahh Noooo - another great has left us. DAVID SANBORN .. top sax player. Album i constantly listen to is A CHANGE OF HEART .. Track rom same below The sax player in David Bowie’s “Young Americans” was David Sanborn Dave has released 25 albums, won six Grammy Awards and has had eight gold albums and one platinum. From the official X account: "It is with sad and heavy hearts that we convey to you the loss of internationally renowned, 6 time Grammy Award-winning, saxophonist, David Sanborn. Mr. Sanborn passed Sunday afternoon, May 12th, after an extended battle with prostate cancer with complications"
  6. The most bizaare entry was FINLAND - Windows95man .. track called No Rules. Touches of Weird Al Yankovic perhaps
  7. For those interested, Bambie did an "Intimate" version of the DOOMSDAY BLUE Track. In this you can hear Bambies voice & that Bambie has a good voice and can sing
  8. The top 5 were - Switzerland - Croatia - Ukraine - France - Israel Ireland 6th, piped to post by Israel getting a decent public vote The voting in EV is in 2 parts - The 37 National juries all give votes from 1 pt to 12 pts to preferred artists. Then the 2nd part after national jury finished is points given to each artist by the PUBLIC ( participating countries citizens ) Vote ( which includes a subset of a world vote ). So an artist could be well ahead with the jury vote but all could change when the public vote is added. Ireland was 9th pre the public vote, post public vote went to 5th but then Israel got a big public vote ( 300+ I think ) and jumped into 5th place pushing Ireland to 6th. The Israel track was very good I think. Female singer.
  9. Ireland / Bambi Thug .. #crownthewitch came in 6th, so a top ten finish, progress perhaps. The last time Ireland did that was about 20 years ago. Last time we got to final was 2018.
  10. Hi @CMJ .. same here, it seems they removed the old accounts. I setup a new account with the hope I would get back access to my old purchases BUT no. Have downloded the latest VUE 2024 and Plantfactory. All good here because I last purchased in around 2014, so Im quids in now Re past licenses and XSTREAM .. never had XSTREAM so no help to you there. Have you tried the new vue pro 2024, maybe what you want is default in that. Free to try now anyway
  11. Did try it yes .. here you go @audioschmaudio .. anyway, Im not too bothered TBH.
  12. Looks like the FREE version offer is now over. I did get to the checkout earlier this morning and it was free. Clicked final checkout button and back it went to the Q page. Just got a mail from them with a recovery coupon - BUT that coupon is not FREE - its €9.81
  13. This better be worth it .. every step of the purchase sends me back to the waiting room but at least keeps me at the purchase stage I am at so far
  14. Just a heads up - Thursdays ( tomorrow ) 2nd semi final may unfortunately garner headlines not related to the spectacle that is the Eurovision. This semi includes Israel. The EBU ( European Broadcasting Union ) over the years tries to keep the EV apolitical and has banned acts in the past for being political. The Israel track originally had overt political lyric content about October 7th but were told to change same which they apparently did: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2024/mar/07/israel-to-compete-at-eurovision-song-contest-after-changing-lyrics-to-its-entry But now in recent weeks as we approach the semis and final things have ramped up a knotch with calls to boycott Israel, or other acts being pressured to step out of the competition ( inc Bambie ), which I think is unfair. If a call is made for a country not to partake then its that countries local broadcast union to make that decision, not the artist. So across social media, newspapers etc - its covered in hate and bile inc toward the artists competing. This threatens to cause difficulty at the 2nd semi final tomorrow night. There is huge security at Malmo in Sweden for this. As it is the security to enter the arena is extremely tough and hardened. Hope this all goes without incident .. but I fear the opposite perhaps. An FYI re EBU Rules. No political songs/lyrics allowed, no political emblems or iconography on persons or elsewhere allowed. these are examined pre contest and the artist / union needs to sign a declaration explaing the iconography or emblems and remove same if political. Bambie does use ancient Irish OGHAM text on the face and arms etc. They had written in Ogham on their face PEACE or similar, they had to remove this. In general, Bambie does tap into ancient Irish & celtic myth and symbolism .. the country is rich in this. So alot of the influences and things included in their performance comes from this history
  15. So for the uninitiated the Eurovision 2024 is this coming Saturday 11th May. Before that we have two semi finals where 30 ( 15 per night ) acts compete for 20 places to appear in the final this saturday. Last night - Tuesday - was the first semi final. The 10 countries through to the final from that are: Serbia, Portugal, Slovenia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Finland, Cyprus, Croatia, Ireland, Luxembourg Now i am biased as i am Irish ( and from Cork, not too far from Macroom where Bambie is from ) and have posted here about the Irish act called Bambie Thug, first non binary act to appear at EV finals and pretty unique. Also last time Ireland got to the finals was in 2018, so a bit of a drought since. Below is video on de Youtube of Bambies performance last evening to get through to final. Remember now a days the EV is gone beyond just a song contest - it is now Spectacle and huge performance and DIFFERENT that gets you there. Bambie, i think, ticks all the boxes? Bambie is a prolific songwriter inc for TV/FILM & for others. Started out as a ballerina. WHO IS BAMBIE THUG? https://www.corkbeo.ie/culture/whats-on-news/who-bambie-thug-irelands-eurovision-29129462 Other standout acts last night were CROATIAs Baby Lasagne with "Rim Tim Tagi Dim" and FINLANDs Windows95man with "No Rules!" .. all live performances are up at Eurovision Youtube channel, you will find via the bambie youtube link above Thursday is the next semi final - another 15 compete for the 10 places.
  16. So another one bites the dust. I was a VUE user and upgrader up to 2014. Found I was notb making enough use and with other software I was not using much, couldnt justify upgrade costs I dropped. Sad to see it finished up, its been around a long while in the niche 3D are it was in. But I suppose the silver lining is the latest edition 2024 is now FREE for everyone. Great piece of software, do enjoy e-on software products have served the media and entertainment industry for over 27 years. Following its acquisition by Bentley Systems in 2015, e-on software’s technologies have been integrated into various Bentley products and have been used by valued customers and partners world-wide. For over 39 years, Bentley’s focus has been to serve engineers and other professionals responsible for designing, constructing, and operating sustainable infrastructure. To keep our focus, we have decided to end sales for VUE, PlantFactory, and PlantCatalog. These products will not be further developed, and support will be limited to critical security patches. However, we are offering free downloads and usage of VUE, PlantFactory, and PlantCatalog as perpetual versions to anyone interested in continuing to utilize these products and technologies! Simply download the product and acknowledge the new end-user-license-agreement (EULA) agreeing to using the software without support. https://www.bentley.com/software/e-on-software-free-downloads/
  17. Those sales OVER around mid march and were at Audiodeluxe. So full price again now .. best price tho, at $80. I still standby that GFORCE dont have discounts as much as other plugins over a year, that from GFORCE Newsletters I get https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/virtual-instruments/gforce-axxess
  18. This is not the list price, which implies a notional price that a product rarely sells at. It is THE price of that plugin synth at the moment: https://www.gforcesoftware.com/products/axxess/ ST£66 + VAT there ( VAT for me in Ireland would be an extra 23% onto that price ). https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/12022-AXXESS €97 at plugin boutique 3rd party seller ( including VAT ). It is currently NOT ON SALE and these are the actual prices you pay now to buy it. I have found that GFORCE Plugs are rarely on sale / huge discounts
  19. And loopclouds OWN plugins Like Play and Drum etc .. I mean this new loopcloud freebie - GFORCE AXXESS - is €100 to buy normally and each year there is a good few of these, so you are getting well more back for the €30 annual sub. I think loopcloud is great value. Like you I have amassed a huge amount of points - about 10k - I do use alot of drum loops, single shots and synth loops for ideas. Interestingly now CAKEWALK NEXT has a built in sampler which can be used with these.
  20. Just grabbed it and installed .. Keep in mind that LOOPCLOUD sub do frequent enough sales like recent one @ 50% less per annum sub at the mo .. so the Studio Annual sub around €50. So far over the last 2, 3 years I have got that cash back in spades via some really good FREE plugins like this one. I think you can also just do a trial FREE for 30 days and get the free plugin too??
  21. I realise its a thing brought up about IK constantly. Too much installing with Product Manager, likes of Tracks then custom shop and all this. Got the serial, may use it at some stage but I cleared my system of IK stuff, can take up lots of space also. Did same with UVI recently. the synth data files that came with there stuff added to pretty much 100GB. And i already have Arturia and NI stuff .. so why As a FREE alt to IKs quad image you have: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/ozone-imager.html OK - it is not multiband, but free and less hassle install wise
  22. Polaris has both sample and synth engines and offers a groovebox-style workflow across six tracks. The 4x4 grid on each track enables you to input steps into the sequencer, and step modulation gives you an easy way of adding variation to your patterns. You can also adjust the step duration on a per-track basis (from 1/32 to one bar) and set the triggering conditions so that each step doesn’t sound every time. https://www.musicradar.com/news/polaris-android-music-making-app
  23. Hi Guys, I have a track in latest CW with 4 midi tracks using likes of Arturia VSTs etc. I converted these to 4 wav/audio tracks, saved as a separate file and deleted the midi files. I then went to FILE MENU, Publish to Bandlab. Changed Upload settings to AUDIO TRACKS ( ticked ) only. Then clicked UPLOAD. Here are the tracks in CW: It uploaded BUT when I opened it online at BANDLAB / Edit - I have track 1 twice and then track 2 and 3, track 4 is missing. Whats up there? Is there a limit to the number of tracks you can upload perhaps? I also notice over at Bandlab / Library, when I delete a project it goes into Deleted Project BUT in there I cannot find a place to permanently delete from there. Only option is Restore
  24. Hi Noel, Here is a screenshot when it opens on the RECENT PROJECTS tab: The projects listed to the right - some of them would have been opened yesterday over the peer to peer network via my router from another system. So that might be it? Is there a way to clear that list? Also is there a way to clear the list in the FILE menu? Cheers Aidan
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