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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. I definitely didn't know about the ghosted solo's, but this track is also a huge favorite of mine. Been meaning to do a cover of Sight for Sore Eyes for sometime (need a good funky bassist for this lol). Very nice tone and playing Chuck, truly loved it and you really need to do more stuff like this . Do you have any of your solo work on YouTube or another site? Would love to hear it.
  2. Excellent replies and much appreciated (the tips and tricks are much welcomed) @Magic Russ: Is that Octoverb in NI's Guitar Rig?
  3. Good morning gents and imaginary ladies! Friday's around the corner......
  4. Are we allowed to say +1 here?
  5. When it comes to Bapu, that ribbon is not what it means......what it is, nobody knows and ain't nobody got time for that.
  6. Thanks Zinc and Marc, very helpful info here (as much as I like TH3, I'm still on the fence with TH-U). If another sale comes along, I'll most likely get it. Cheers guys!! Mesh
  7. Hello ZT, how do you like TH-U so far? I didn't see a compelling reason to update/upgrade, but didn't yet demo it either. Any features in it that are worth the upgrade or even inspiring?
  8. Mesh

    BJZ presents Dead End

    Love this track and again you all did great job with this. Yeah, a bit more bass would be nice (payment received Baps) and also the geetars could be upped a wee bit. Well done gents.....nice deep, deep, deep vox treatment Ken!!
  9. So, I'm not the only Juan that's flying high again?
  10. I've been using the reverbs that come with the amp sims (TH3, BIAS, A4 etc...) and recently, have been spending some time with Kuassa/Audio Assault's amps lately. I do like Overloud's Breverb and happy with it, but wanted to see what all of you are using on guitars.
  11. Somewhere in this thread, I see a happy meal
  12. Very glad to hear that Mark!! I did see that ODeus ASIO link and before installing this, I wanted to double check and see if there's an available solution within Cakewalk. Not being able to use the DAW due to minor latency/continuous audio dropouts puts a definite stop on everything. Truly appreciate all the tips. links, help....my wife should be happy if I won't need to buy a new interface (although I'm ok with it).
  13. I have a Focusrite 2i4 (1st generation) and as of late, I can't play (let alone record) any project without the audio dropping out (a continuous beep). I have to continuously stop and play the transport to get it to work, but it's a definite problem and can't get anything done. If I get lucky, it'll actually play any given time I stop and play....most of the time it's the audio dropping out. I was thinking it's my 1st gen 2i4 that doesn't have driver support anymore and possibly of getting a new audio interface.....unless there's a solution to this??
  14. No one said we needed reservations at TGIF......but the buffalo wings and beer are ready.
  15. Possible song names: Stormy Thursday? Rainy night in Shreveport? Couldn't stand the water? Louisiana Flood?
  16. Yes indeed, that's how I ended up with 3 more amps from them.
  17. Whoa....is that a naked fish? ....and don't tell me it's all about the bass!!
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