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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Would really appreciate your thoughts on this (when you get a moment to test it out)... Sweetwater seems to have one with my name on it...
  2. Keep you drama for your llama
  3. Yes, It was massive.....and due to the lack of hard disk space, it had to be replaced with Flutes of Fire.
  4. So June 9th is the big day for you? Not sure if I'm getting it, but would love to read your review.
  5. Not sure why they call it a flash sale when $29 is the expected norm.....especially around here. Now $15 would be something to flash at...... ............wait, that didn't sound right.
  6. I once had a growing harp....
  7. I'm shopping around for a new interface and seriously thinking of getting the Axe. Anyone have this or know someone who uses it? Would like some actual user based thoughts/reviews (if possible).
  8. I'm looking to get this interface as my first gen 2i4 is on it's way out (no official driver support, and too many issues with dropouts/dependability). I've only read/watched some reviews on the Axe, but would like to know if any of you use it and your experience with it. It has all the features I need, but haven't had any actual usage to know how it responds, https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/axeio/?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=satriani Cheers, Mesh
  9. Thanks for the links and info Craig, it's sincerely appreciated. I'm going to read up on it a bit more....currently, I'm thinking of getting IK's Axe I/O guitar interface as I need one badly (seems to be getting good reviews). Cheers, Mesh
  10. Fixed (on a death metal EDM Peruvian polka track).
  11. For those of us that don't have Helix (yet), we can still set up multiband presets with the Sonitus Multiband + TH3? as in your article here: https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/sonar-th3-customise-your-guitar-tone I haven't tried it, but it does look very interesting (in search of the holy grail of amp sim tone). Craig, what are your thoughts on the Helix Native plugin?
  12. Conversely, light fever is nothing to take too highly.
  13. I also don't need it, but I want it....this sounds so good on every instrument/vocals. Ughhh.....going over to EP!!
  14. Well.....it's mine now (I tried to talk myself out of it.....like I'm doing now with the Eventide 3000)
  15. You can try SPRING2019....(it may have been automatically assigned in cart)
  16. This has been in the cart since morning.....I'm trying to justify the need and still can't come up with a valid reason.
  17. You should go to a quick care and have them take a look....103 is quite high...
  18. I scream for ice cream.
  19. Well that's a Debbie Downer for the weekend...get some rest ol chap, there's Nagbappin to be done (somewhere).
  20. Join us next week when the Snake Whisperer wrestles an anaconda in his (swampy) backyard.
  21. Thanks Piotr for all the details. ...very helpful. Using amp sims, I like them to sound good and be somewhat inspirational without too much hassle in usage (just plug, play, and tweak). No shortage of amp sims, so will wait on this for more improvement. Can't really see people paying the full price (or even half) on this...
  22. Is it Friday yet? Is it noon yet? Is it Beer O'clock yet?
  23. Now you're getting jiggy with it
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