Wish I could've solo'd at 13 like this....very good version!
Listened to a few more of Chelsea's tracks and she's seriously talented.....she has played live with Steve Morse back in 2003.
Variety is the spice to life!
I do like anything melodic and musical, but do tend to gravitate towards guitar stuff as it's easy to relate to. Believe it or not, I like classical to Disco too.
I've had Realivox Blue for sometime and never had the patience to sort out the words. It has been collecting virtual dust and I'm planning on selling the license. As far as vocals are concerned, this is going to be my next buy (hopefully on a rare sale): https://output.com/products/exhale
Same here, haven't heard about this. Looks interesting, but was the last version released back in 2013? https://www.jamvox-online.com/downloads/
Will check the demo as well.
Actually we haven't been working on anything lately. I think Bapu & Daryl have been doing some solo or other colab stuff. I've also been busy working on a solo project (taking forever), but if it's half way decent, may post it in the songs forum.
Have you posted anything in there?