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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. That's so true....most amp sims do a lot of metal. Although I like metal, it doesn't show the full range of what the sims can do (which is what I'd really like to see/hear). Another thing I'd like to see in these vids is what audio interface/DI they're using and/or anything else in the signal path before using the amp sim. Most reviews rarely show that. Anyway, looking forward to more of your vids.
  2. Thanks Zo for the Video.....very nicely done/useful!
  3. Wow ZT, now that's what I call a full review!! Thanks so much for taking the time to write this and this certainly looks to be a good tool to have in the toolbox. Now that you got to 'get under the hood', do you think you'll be using it on a regular basis?
  4. Whether it's popular/relevant or not, I'm very thankful to Meng & Co. for not only rescuing Cakewalk from it's downfall, but regularly improving CbB. I do have a couple of other DAWS, but CbB is what I know best and can quickly get my musical noises recorded without hassle. Having regularly invested in Sonar since V3, it's extremely nice to have it for free.
  5. I'll take a wild guess and say yes. Well, there's also this that Dave said: "I'm talking about B3-X, their Hammond emulator. Not kidding, it's the best I've heard yet - and I've got a diskfull of 'em to compare."
  6. That quacked me up! I agree with you about being subjected to their experiments and H-phones might be the right ticket. I still might get those speakers that abacab recommended as backup. Appreciate the replies gents.
  7. Thanks so much abacab!! That's a nice price and looks to be exactly what I need. Would an 1/8" to 1/4" jack work with this? This is the back of the interface:
  8. I've heard good things about their free pedals (IIRC the chorus being a very good one). Haven't used any of their stuff, but will download their demo's.....I feel a GAS build up.
  9. No, but now I have one......thanks!! Just kidding
  10. As some of you may know I recently got a 2nd PC for general family use and will also be using it as a DAW (just for my children to play with...not using to mix anything serious, but rather to just hear whatever is being played through it). Would general PC speakers work for this or what other options do I have (besides getting studio monitors)? For an audio interface, I'll be using a 1st gen Focusrite 2i4. Headphones might be a good option....having to consider the inexperienced musical notes (noises) that we'll all have to hear.
  11. I'm by no means a keyboardist, but do love the sound of IK's B3 and working on a track that uses a B3 (NI's). When it goes on sale, I can (possibly) justify buying it as I like to have good quality instruments (even If I can't play them well lol). Are there any other decent B3's you can recommend? I also have the one that came with AIR Music bundle, but haven't really put it through the paces (yet). Currently, I'm slowly working on getting good tones out of BIAS Amp2/FX2 which has so many excellent options to tweak....it can also be a bit overwhelming. Always trying to educate myself in finding info on getting the best out of amp sims using hardware/software. The struggle is real....
  12. ....and they said you can fully grasp it from the 20 min video. ? Thanks Zinc!!
  13. I'm also interested in this. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. ?
  14. On slight different note, is Deoxit the best thing to use to clean up crackling noise on the pickup selector switch?
  15. Got the Lenovo PC and it's working nicely. Except for a few scratches on the case, didn't notice any other defects. The only issue is there's no room to add another drive (came with a 500GB HD) and I do have a new 1TB ssd I want to use. Will have to see how to move Win10 to the ssd. On a separate note, can I use general PC audio speakes to listen with CbB...just for my little one's to hear what they're playing? Or are there any other (economical) options?
  16. Those of you who got Riff Generation, how do you guys like it so far and do you use it regularly in your composition? (the Outside In Edition)
  17. SW, have you used Helix Native (your thoughts)?
  18. I wasn't all that impressed with the Soldano demo, but the Marshall was on point. At this price, it's a no brainer.....purchased!
  19. Yo, we be waitin' on GrandMaster Bapu to sez da werd....
  20. Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar, You're gonna go far, You're gonna fly high, You're never gonna die,
  21. Almost didn't recognize you Glynn with the new 'look'. I like this track and now listening the album 'The Man Who Never Was'.
  22. Notes, I like those Zep covers too....good stuff. @craig: I don't think I can ever listen to Stairway to Heaven the same again Enjoying this cover:
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