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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Output just makes excellent products and although this wasn't on my list to get, I was lucky to get it early. However, I did get Signal last night and I'm just blown away at how good it is/how musical it is. Today, I'm going to take a deep breath and get Exhale.
  2. I got a bunch of BT stuff with the Integral Studio Pack 3 (about 7 years ago). Although they do sound nice, I can't remember if they've ever made it in a project.
  3. I just had some Becan with my Becan and now, taking a break with some coffee. Me thinks there's more Becan to be had...
  4. If I'm not mistaken, I believe MF and GC are the same company. So, they're (to say the least) consistent with the screw up? ?
  5. This Portal has lead me to Signal with an Adrenaline rush. (yes, I got Signal & the Adrenaline sound pack)
  6. Seeing terms like Output and Portal, just seems to lead one to a Port-a-potty.....just saying.
  7. He's a man of the town.....he's known as Mr. Gigolo Wibbolo!!
  8. ZT if you need, I'd be glad to help anytime.
  9. Of course this isn't (quite) swing, but the swing factor is definitely present (especially during the break) and one of the reasons I like DLR's style.
  10. I used to listen to them as well as the Mills Brothers since my dad liked them a lot (he loved vocal harmonies). That introduced me to swing music and still love it.
  11. Guessing it's no fun for the guy in last place.....just catching downwind of the whole event.
  12. Considering Output doesn't give any heavy discounts, this is a really good deal and all their products are top notch!!
  13. Ordered as well....next up is Signal and Exhale.
  14. I also would like give thanks to all the Vets for all that they have done for us....it's greatly appreciated!!
  15. Very cool and congrats ZT!! There's a lot to tweak (if that's your thing) but if you don't like to, can get some good sounds with minimal adjustments.
  16. Man, that bassist's got some........chops!!
  17. +1 On top of that, gets to play on yachts and country clubs!! Excellent gig you got there.
  18. Always appreciate your input Matthew and I'm in the same mindset regarding Signal. I only have the free version of Signal and also have Movement, but the features/instruments in Signal are aligned with what I want to do. Yet, it's tempting to get Exhale as well.....oh this GAS of mine.
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