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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Anyone try this? TONE HUNTING You need that outstanding electric guitar tone you are hearing on your favorite album. So you bought an awesome instrument and a fantastic amp. Maybe you have also bought some beautiful stomp boxes, expensive rack units, and phenomenal microphones. Or you rather use some amp simulation plugins. But what? Your dream-tone is not there when recorded and mixed with the rest of the band? You are endlessly tweaking and tweaking your sound, you tried everything. No success. Why? Electric guitars can take a lot of processing. It’s because guitars can get a lot of attention to the music and for some genres are really crucial. So it´s very important to get the guitar sound just right. Guitars can fight with several layers of instruments clashing into each other. Or the recordings are sounding too sterile, thin or harsh. On the other hand, recorded guitars can sound too dark and muddy. So you need the tone that can cut through. The guitar tone has to be punchy and fat sounding, but it also needs to have a lot of clarity and tightness at the same time. But it’s not all! Even if the guitars are heavily processed, sometimes they still also have to be very natural sounding at some point. And that's why you need ToneSpot. LET'S TALK ENGINEERING FOR A WHILE, SHALL WE? When a professional audio engineer is building that awesome tone in the studio, he is often running it through some heavy lifting. Blending several re-amping chains with massive filtering, compression, equalization, saturation or even some multiband processing and maybe some other crazy stuff. And it is no secret that the top engineers often run the signal through their chains twice or three times in series until both the engineer and the artist are 100% satisfied with the result. So there is a lot of stuff to do when building a perfect electric guitar tone. There are very few products tailored for electric guitar instruments post-processing, but most of today’s engineers use a very similar workflow. STANDARD ELECTRIC GUITAR RIGS Mostly it’s not enough to run the electric guitars through a real tube amp or guitar amp simulation plugin to get the standards we are hearing on today’s records. At the end of the day, we need a ton of plugins that eat a significant portion of CPU power. And maybe we are still not completely satisfied with our tone. TONESPOT SOLUTION There is a simpler solution. ToneSpot is just one processor doing that magic. One missing product you need for every tube amp or simulation. It is a key to success full of tricks, extensive know-how and still with a lot of freedom. WHAT MATTERS? MUSIC OR SOUND? Both. Great musical ideas need great sound. The music industry changed over the years. The quality of sound and sound aesthetics often determine the success of the music. It’s not enough to write good music anymore. You need breathtaking sound to get attention. And... If you have an inspiring sound, you write and play better music. You have the ideas, we have the tool, so… Let's get inspired by the sound! HIGHLIGHTS Swiss Army Knife for all tone hunters. Designed to fit the extreme heavy genres as well as the more traditional ones. Best mixing tricks for electric guitar processing Monstrous processing power and flexibility Musically labeled controls Settings based on the analysis of thousands of world-class records Time-saver: No need to use many plug-ins Intelligent gain staging
  2. Shirley, you those have to be really high...notes on a melodic scale?
  3. I'm still happy with O8A, think I'll stick with that (until BassDaddy says otherwise).
  4. All this Alesis talk has killed this Fred!! We need credence to revive this bad water.
  5. Excellent advice there!! Someone (probably Slartbartfast ) told me the same thing in the old Cakewalk forum when I built mine.
  6. Thanks so much Michael for all the details. I just might get this from APD using some of my rewards money, but will demo it first. I also have Obelisk which I really haven't got into yet.....will have to use it more to figure it out. Thanks again!!
  7. Thanks Tezza, will give that a go tonight.
  8. All valid points Ensonced and just about exactly where I'm at. Having both Bias Amp 2 and Fx2, I think I'll skip this and possibly wait for a no brainer price to upgrade to TH-U. Appreciate all the details and you saved me some money.
  9. Mesh


    That's a definitely on my bucket list and do love all their products. Just wish they would have some good sales (which they rarely have). So far, been having a lot of fun with Movement (thanks to our good buddy Larry).
  10. After opening up Kontakt, there are some new libraries which I'm unable to open. When I go into File (top left) and find the library, when clicking on the + sign it doesn't expand the folder (like the other folders do) and can't access the .NKI to open up the instrument. However, if I go directly to the folder (outside of Kontakt) and click on the .NKI, it opens up Kontakt and the instrument loaded. What are my options to fix this? Thanks, Mesh
  11. Anyone buy these expansions and your thoughts on them? I'm on the fence here and thinking of getting one of the smaller versions of TH-U just to get the Choptones expansions. At the same time, the full version of TH-U is about $60 more than the smaller versions and not sure if it's worth it. Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma....
  12. I think it's a great idea Jim to build your own as you get to choose all the individual components that suit your budget and there's a great satisfaction in building it yourself. I built my current DAW back in 2013 and it still has all the original parts and running like a champ (my video card might be going out, but only heats up when playing games). I got all my parts from NewEgg, but Tiger Direct has some really good prices as well. You can make sure all the parts are compatible using https://pcpartpicker.com/ and they also show the best prices from around the net.
  13. Since 1999, I've had this QS7.1 and has served me really well (still in excellent shape) albeit I only uses it as a midi controller. Bought it without having any idea of how good or bad it was....just had the money to spend at the time.
  14. I haven't looked into the license transfers yet, but these are what I'm thinking of: 1) Realivox Blue 2) Nomad Factory Integral Studio Pack III 3) MAutoDynamicEQ 4) EZ Mix 2 + METAL GUITAR GODS 4 EZMIX PACK & THE MIX TOOLBOX EZMIX PACK 5) Samplitude Pro3 6) Ample Sounds Ying/Yang Bass 7) Waves H-Series Bundle 8) Maschine Mikro (white)
  15. I'm also planning on putting up some stuff that's been collecting virtual dust....thanks for the reminder Christian.
  16. I'm looking for some 4 on the floor grooves....any suggestions on which Toontrack MIDI has these?
  17. Will definitely post back once I buy it...still looking around.
  18. KVR might be a good place to start and then post that link in the Deals forum.
  19. It's probably something our IT dept. has recently installed that's doing this....in the meantime, south of the border somewhere:
  20. Just impressed at how they feed off each other in such a technical way and yet have a lot of fun in the process.....incredible musicians!!
  21. Not sure what happened, but I can't access BMD from my workplace....I posted the error message in the FSF here. Can you post the link to that guy? Listening to this now:
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