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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. With the Rewards money at PB, I got this for $4.98.
  2. Interesting the list price is $155
  3. Excellent musicianship there and I've seen quite a few of his YouTube videos. Very impressed with all the musical tones/sounds and yet, he rarely moves a finger.
  4. A new sound pack from AAS: https://www.applied-acoustics.com/funky-cat/ Currently $19 for a limited time.
  5. All for one, one for all.....Billy Jean
  6. May have to change the title to "Watching this Now".
  7. Please don't blow up the CH!! (Bapu turn's into Crazy Harry)
  8. I'll see your Hendricks and raise you a Scatman
  9. Then we also have our very own Bass Daddy, whom we admire in a very plutonic and alembic way......roooooiiiiight?
  10. If you're talking about avatars, there's a bit of chilling spookiness in InstrEd's avatar.
  11. If you're just tired of seeing only men playing guitars.....
  12. Those were my exact thoughts and of course, I always have to search for more when I like something. They certainly are exceptionally very good!! Lot's of YT videos on them.
  13. That was quite nice and I enjoyed that very much. Interesting how the viola? she plays on the actual fret itself while the guitar is played between the frets.
  14. Looks like I have a nice playlist for the day. Cheers!!
  15. Good morning gents!! Had a relaxing weekend with the family. My good buddy Don Julio paid a visit and brought O.J. along as well. How was your weekend?
  16. How are the impulses? Good, bad, or ugly? ?
  17. + interest and (£2.41 processing fee..... In $US that's $745.89.) http://forum.cakewalk.com/The-CHB-in-London-m2087057.aspx
  18. Apparently, this whole upgrade is pending JonBouy's tax services and approval. I wouldn't hold my breath for anything soon.... HTH
  19. Welcome to the Coffee House!
  20. I love chess!! Do you play? I play on Chess.com (phone & PC).
  21. Sheesh Ed, that' getting a bit personal.... We need to respect the man's woman's Becan's privacy.
  22. Gold is only available for the uhmmm "cheaper" interface ($899).
  23. 'Guitars in bikinis'.....there's a whole new meaning to "Guitars" now!! BayouBill, the King of ____________.
  24. Your question isn't a common scenario and I think that's why no one has given a concrete answer. Have you tried contacting Cakewalk directly in regards to this? They would be the best option in getting a clear answer.
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