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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. It was there yesterday sing Chrome. I purchased SSSR and Leslie with Paypal on two seperate purchases. Rocky
  2. I couldn't resist. I'm diggin' it so far. Rocky
  3. f.w.i.w....my Zildjian Digital Vault made the migration but didn't have downloadable content on the new site. It's still at the old Fxpansion site and the installer picked it up. BFD picked it up when I scanned my samples drive. Rocky
  4. Have you tried enabling the input monitor? It's the button to the right of the record button. Rocky
  5. Eco is gone but Zildjian Digital Vault still exists. I contacted them a couple of years ago and they put the updated version in my account gratis. Rocky
  6. Assuming you have 10 channels, enough mics and want to add tracks after the performance, I would do something like this: 1) kick 2) snare 3) tom 1 4) tom 2 5) floor tom 6) OH left 7) OH right ? bass d.i. 9) vocals ( scratch ) 10) room mic for reference and/or ambience etc. Then I would track guitar, keys, vocals, etc. Rocky
  7. Eventide H910 is 80% off at https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/2854-H910 and get Levels by Mastering the mix free. Rocky
  8. I have BFD Zildjian digital Vault but the ECO version that came with it was discontinued. I gave up on them when they told me that I had to buy BFD to use it. The serial won't work for the discount. I'm not paying full price for BFD. Rocky
  9. Synchro Arts VocALign Project is on sale for $99 until 4/30. https://www.synchroarts.com/products/vocalign-project/overview?utm_source=Synchro+Arts+Newsletter&utm_campaign=c97a1edd11-VocAlign+Project+April+Sale+MUSIC+16%2F4&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_95d1a8a5b0-c97a1edd11-759673 Rocky edit: Larry found a better deal
  10. You read my mind! I went looking at Best Service and Toontrack. Rocky
  11. Good timing Larry! I had a $75 rewards card that was set to expire. That got it down to $21.60. Thanks for all you do. Rocky
  12. Welcome back! This place hasn't been the same without you. Rock
  13. The hide non-owned gear button is to the right of the search box. It's a little amp with a check mark and an x on it. Rocky
  14. I saved enough money to go to Vegas! I'm not without those side effects though. ? Seriously, I hope he's okay. Rocky
  15. Years ago I bought a VRM box on sale. This is the purchase that keeps on giving! Thanks for the heads up @Pragi
  16. Been there, All the best for a speedy recovery! Rocky
  17. No dice in Denver. Rocky
  18. A meticulously captured high-end bass. ? Actually it's a MTD USA 535 Andrew Gouche AG5. Rocky
  19. Safe travels Larry. Rocky
  20. The Weber Z-Matcher arrived. I'm pretty bowm away with Weber's customer service, nothing short of awesome. The Z-Matcher has a line out, that opens up lots of routing options I think I'm going to go with The Suhr Reactive load IR. I like what @Jim Roseberry had to say about it's reactive load, I like that price point and the feature set suites my needs. I also have a Little Labs Redeye for reamping . Rocky
  21. No doubt about that! A cranked tube amp that's singinging is pure euphoria. Rocky
  22. The Fryette Power Load IR looks interesting bit it's not available yet. Rocky
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