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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. With best coins that puts it at $74.53 with a freebie here. Damn it Larry? Rocky
  2. ? I think I'm gonna use jam points and grab AT5 for $105. ? Rocky
  3. yeah, I'm on the fence about it too. I'm pretty comfortable with 4. Rocky
  4. You can upgrade S1 pro to S1 5 pro for $99 https://www.bestservice.com/studio_one_5_professional_upgrades.html Rocky
  5. Synchro Arts Vocalign Project 3 at http://everyplugin.com/vocalign-project.html $82.07. VocALign Project 3.3 provides the latest version of the basic and legendary VocALign program that has been available since 1995, providing instant tight alignment of one audio signal to another. Simply capture a Guide signal with the right timing, capture a Dub signal to be aligned, press one button, and a new aligned Dub is generated and returned to your DAW. Quietly legendary, VocALign's early life included use in music production ranging from Shania Twain and Steely Dan to Black Eyed Peas; as well as in popular TV shows such as Friends and Seinfeld and in blockbuster films including Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Main Features Instantly edits one audio signal to match the energy patterns in another audio signal. Works with voice, musical instruments and sound effects. Provides time saving and quality benefits for ADR, tightening double tracked vocals and backing harmonies, foreign language dubbing, etc. Plug-ins for most popular DAWs plus a stand-alone version. Rocky
  6. This is definitely a deal breaker for me. Thanks for the heads up. Rocky
  7. I almost bought Max, then I read this. Shhh don't tell Peter. Thanks Larry. Rocky
  8. Sure looked personal from here. I appreciate your presence here Peter and hope you keep posting. Rocky
  9. How do you log in to get the deal? Rocky edit: existing users should get an email. There's a link at the bottom of the page if you didn't receive it.
  10. Missed it, It's back to $29.99. Rocky
  11. This is awesome, thanks for the heads up! The only thing on my wish list now is a stand alone version for generating ideas a little faster. Rocky
  12. Oh you won't have to leave, You'll be banned! Pull it together man. ? Rocky
  13. Thanks Simon. I'll try it on some different material. Rocky
  14. I gave the Spectral Layers demo a go. I have stereo mixes of live shows that the sound guy from the Buffalo Rose mixed on the go. They're not bad but I would to work on them. I used the unmix to stems process in spectral layers pro. The stems have a lot of artifacts. Unless I'm missing something, this isn't going to work for me. Ymmv. I'm glad I tried the demo. Rocky
  15. I picked up some Jabre 75T Elite ear buds for casual listening. I'm behaving myself this year because I'm still saving up for a MB Mark V:35. Rocky
  16. This will be hard to resist! Are we in a holding pattern on this one? Rocky
  17. I think he got wupped one too many times! ?? Rocky
  18. bluzdog

    Black Friday Help

    It is! This is definitely to support someone with gas. Enablers we are, support me must. Rocky
  19. bluzdog

    Black Friday Help

    This is a great idea! ? Rocky
  20. There's a free version to try it out: https://stevenslatedrums.com/ssd-free/ Rocky
  21. I wish they had a V4 in AT4. I have one I bought new in '78. Awesome amp but it weighs a ton. ? Rocky
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