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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. I like the part where they're overselling what is effectively a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Tremoverb simulation like it's the best thing since sliced bread.
  2. That's not a complicated sound to make. I don't remember if this video I made was done with Amplitube or something else: Two instances of ValhallaDSP's Supermassive for the "pad" thing.
  3. That largely depends on the developer. It's safe to assume a good portion of them have high end to enthusiast level hardware. If we're talking AAA stuff, they all have to target consoles, no matter how good their hardware is, as consoles will always exist and they're still more convenient than computers.
  4. What are you looking for specifically? Just having hundreds of amps and effects in a plugin is no guarantee of you finding the sound you're looking for.
  5. If that's the case, then why even have both instead of just one of them, since they do almost the same thing anyways?
  6. But that would require them to care about Drum Map Manager, which is not the case.
  7. I would steer away from anything Console 1. Softube failed their end of the bargain with this UAD competitor and they're just trying to milk as much of it before it's suddenly discontinued for no apparent reason.
  8. If they think 50% off is "Eternal Madness", what is the 70-98% other brands are offering?
  9. As it still stands, the improvements nVidia did on raytracing performance are insignificant to games in general. It still is a gimmick. If you do 3D rendering, those gains are significant. Doing a raytracing calculation pass in only a few seconds to a minute instead of several minutes to hours depending on complexity. Well, good story telling, characters and such require good soft skills and abilities...which no ray tracing algorithm can do no matter how sophisticated. Which is why you focus on game graphics instead. It's funny that many developers live in a bubble and that was demonstrated recently with the horrible performance people got from Cyberpunk 2077, as the game was developed with a hardware target that the vast majority of gamers don't have or cannot justify having. I know people that are still playing modern games fine with 10 series cards down to 1050 Ti without a single worry in the world.
  10. Why would they? People that are not tech savy usually look at used electronics and think they're only on sale because they're broken or something like that.
  11. Just buy a used 10 series card. With the RTX craze at high, there's still plenty of Pascal cards in the used market with plenty of life left.
  12. Any business grade laptop runs circles around any enthusiast, gamer or high end consumer product in terms of lifespan and reliability. These have to reliably last and deliver performance for at least 5 years, if not more. Or, as The Onion says: "The world where people use computers for actual work and not just dicking around."
  13. So, if I set up a double blind or ABX test, can you reliably tell which is which 100% of the time? I'm concerned that modern plugins often talk too much about realistic sounding as a justification to not make optimizations and you cannot hear any difference in most cases unless you are looking at each example. Or specific minutia of how a piece of gear operates is modeled sacrificing performance, even though that detail doesn't matter in practice.
  14. You shouldn't worry too much about it. You'd have to transfer hundreds of Gygabytes at once every few days to bring that SSD closer to exhausting all write read cycles. When that happens, the flash drive can no longer write data, becoming read only and "forgeting" any new data written into it. Only downside with flash data is that fails happen when they do. On a HDD, you start seeing signs of failure before it happens.
  15. Yes. There's two ways you can go about it: - Right click on the frozen event and select "bounce to clips". This will preserve all changes done to the frozen track whilst freeing your fx rack and pro channel. Downside with that is the FX and PC settings and effects will still be there and will have to be reset manually. - Select the track, go to options and "bounce to tracks." This will create a new audio track with the "print" from the track you bounced. Downside of that is when you have to bounce multiple stereo and mono tracks to a single track. Printing them to is not possible unless they go through a bus first, as new stereo tracks will be created if you set the bounce to stereo and vice versa for mono. Upside of his method is that you created a new track with everything reset and can preserve the source track by archiving it (which mutes it and bypasses all processing), then hide it using the track manager.
  16. But is that high CPU load necessary if you're not profiling the stuff? Or better yet. How much of that high CPU usage actually translates into audible differences?
  17. Like batteries, flash memory has a limit of cycles. It's estimated that a SSD lasts 25% less than a mechanical hard drive. A HDD lasts about 10 years, although there have been examples of drives lasting twice that. If you're writing large files to that drive constantly, that will greatly reduce its lifespan.
  18. If they don't print Laserdisc covers, I'll be disappointed.
  19. If MAGIX purchased Cakewalk, they wouldn't even do anything with it. They would probably call it MAGIX SONAR and charge 3x the price.
  20. Keep in mind that none of the Babelson plugins have documentation.
  21. And why aren't screen sets saved with the workspace?
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