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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. Then how come you need a serial to have access to it even in SONAR?
  2. I don't trust men who don't have an even distribution of hair chest.
  3. I wouldn't hold my breath. The mixbus team is the Ardour team, which means they'll not fix bugs forever until the issue makes them lose money. There's little care for software quality there.
  4. CA-2A was a separate add-on you could purchase. It wasn't included by default with SONAR. That's extremely unlikely. I'd recommend something like Sonic Anomally's SLAX, Analog Obsession's LALA or something similar if you want that LA-2A characteristic.
  5. Steven Slate has been annoyingly shoving this offer inside my bum via email for quite a while. I'm not gonna sign up for your stupid subscription service that still requires me to spend money on an iLok dongle to even use the plugins.
  6. And, unsurprisingly, there was no difference from the $600 one using FabFilter plugins.
  7. Supposedly, you also have to change focus to the Multidock.
  8. Nevermind. They were listing prices in my currency. My bad.
  9. As soon as I reinstalled IK Product manager, both the Soldano SLO-100 and the Metal Cabinet were added after I logged in automatically.
  10. This plugin emulates a modern digital console which happens to be used in two locations where film stuff take place. Not really a vintage console emulation. UAD and Analog Obsession already have that covered. Harrison is one of those companies that doesn't look like they know how much to charge for a plugin. Heck, just their AVA Vocal Flow Plugin costs over a grand and...You can buy several plugin collections for that amount of money.
  11. It seems that the Harrison and Samplitude crowd are not that different from each other. Wait until he learns that in T-Racks Suite, you can have as many modules as you want in any order you want. Or that kiloheart's Snap Heap can load instances of itself as a module. That's at least 6 Nobel prizes. Well, guy has the job of comparing that monstrosity against FabFilter plugins so...You look at that EQ, which doesn't have Linear Phase mode, doesn't have M/S processing then you look at Pro-Q3 with its 24 bands and stereo+m/s options per band, as well as dynamic EQing, EQ matching...Same thing with the other plugins. It's a tough sell, especially considering the product that channel strip is competing against also comes with a limiter, reverb, filter, saturation plugin, delay and two synths...for $500 less. This is tough as well if you consider that you can buy Nuendo 11 for less than that. And that's not even the upgrade price. That's the full version with the USB dongle included too.
  12. I have just woken up and I feel like I've wasted the entire day already.
  13. Just tell them to keep their fursuits clean.
  14. Another thing is that there's no way to demo the plugin either and it is AAX only too. While trying to get a feel for how the plugin would go...That's only marginally more expensive than their AVA Vocal Flow plugin, which costs $1031.
  15. And supposedly, Harrison themselves commented on the video saying that the plugin is optimized enough that you can have one MPC on each track. ...You could probably have every single Waves plugin on every track of your project and it would still use less resources than a single MPC instance.
  16. You know how little a plugin is worth when whoever is presenting it has to spend a third of the video talking good things about the plugin. Just take those 1500 bucks you were going to use to buy it, and get something like FabFilter's Total Bundle, which is 500 bucks cheaper and gives you an extremely versatile plugin collection that can do almost anything.
  17. I hope Tunca fixed the annoying bug he calls it a feature. In some of his plugins, adding more gain automatically reduces the output by the same amount.
  18. You know what also would be great? CbB warning you when you press record without any tracks armed. Currently, nothing happens.
  19. You can also open the larger window by double clicking the EQ curve on the module.
  20. So, they do thesame thing, except one does it on a local scale with less adjustability. How is that different from just switching workspaces?
  21. I've had similar issues with trying to bounce stereo and mono tracks to a single stereo or mono track. Did you try going through a bus track, then to a new track? It's not a practical or desirable solution, but could work.
  22. If it's not Amplitube 5, IK will not do anything about it.
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