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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. This cover was so powerful that Trent Reznor said that the song didn't belong to him anymore. It's undeniable that Johnny was not just covering the song. He was the song at that moment in time.
  2. If you're talking the price range, sure, but here's one example of what the XK5 can do: If you're not satisfied with the standard sounds, you can tweak every single drawbar, leakage and how it responds to exhaustion.
  3. Except they can't do that because MIDI 2.0 is backwards compatible as part of the specification.
  4. Unless there's some serious revamping, I don't see much good from CbB re-issuing those instruments. Compared with the free and paid offerings in the market atm, both versions of z3t4 are sort of mediocre in terms of features and sound quality. That would be more into keeping with people that want to have access to those for nostalgia reasons.
  5. At least he can keep the guitar going, I guess. And there's this one, which should be a good fit if you want to hear a song which is composed of nothing but the bits of the instruments you cut in the mix with someone supposedly singing on top.
  6. Considering this is another thing that exists, I'm gonna suggest someone with more money than common sense talked Shatner into believing he was a singer: At least Nimoy has some singing in him....
  7. Eventually, we're gonna get "Can you guess the Beatles song by the outtake bickering before and after the song recording in the studio?"
  8. That William Shatner thing was something I did not expect to see and makes all the other bad covers look like masterpieces by comparison. But I guess it could be useful to cure people from acid trips instantly. You know you went too far when the moon looks like William Shatner...
  9. I think my will of weird plugins which do mangly things was satisfied by the 6 Unfiltered Audio plugins PA allowed me to get.
  10. I confess that I looked at the title, hoped it was something like a sampled fretless guitar, like a Vigier Surfretter and it's yet another fretless bass. Now I'm disappointed.
  11. I guess this doesn't count as a cover because...Robert Fripp played guitar in the original song.
  12. I don't even recall seeing people talk bad things about these at all. I guess it was probably some snob which probably said something to the tone of these being bad and not sounding at all like the physical Moogerfoogers. The ones which were not created by Moog.
  13. Also, if you have a Hammond keyboard (I believe either a XK3, XK5 or SK-Pro), you can use it as a dedicated controller for B3-X. I don't know if you can do the other way around, but it's one of the things it can do considering it's the only emulation officially endorsed by Hammond themselves.
  14. The problem with Syntronik is that it's just a preset player. You're gonna hit walls pretty fast if you want to create your own presets because all samples used are specific to those presets, which makes the extra modules glorified preset packs. That's a lesson and a half on ripping off the customer because both versions of Syntronik are nothing but feature limited versions of Sampletank to the point you can load Syntronik 1 and 2 presets in Sampletank. And that defeats the whole reason you're emulating a specific synth. Why wouldn't you want to tweak it?
  15. Metaplugin is 59 bucks though. Not discounted. Full price.
  16. Another Drum plugin to recommend would be DrumGizmo: While it doesn't have the fanciest of interfaces and you'll have to mix the drums yourself, its Timing Humanizer is second to none and I'm yet to see any of the commercial drum plugins out there attempt something like this outside of round robins and increasing the library size by adding more samples. https://www.drumgizmo.org/wiki/doku.php?id=start
  17. According to Bitwig themselves: "We're working on updating the user guide."
  18. I'm more surpised Joe Walsh was able to record a video part and talk about music without being sued by Don Henley.
  19. "Adam Neely, we're gonna have to demote you from making captchas." - Google
  20. This is no different than Warren Huart and his blanket statements like: "Every guitar player is a huge Jeff Beck fan."
  21. So....Is this a sale for us or for Native Instruments?
  22. Of course I can because I'm not gonna watch either of the videos.
  23. Let's spend more money to save money.
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