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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. RC-20 $69 (or Euros) XO $89 /Euros Deal ends Oct 10 https://www.pluginboutique.com/
  2. ANOTHER take on MIDI generation. $99 new product. I don't see any intro discount. Not sure if Sugar-Bytes usually offer them? https://sugar-bytes.de/nest Caught my interest at first, because I used to breadboard my own circuit designs. After watching part of the tutorial on YT I decided that this is not for me. Breadboard designs HAVE to have patch wires (but they do have buses). Using that metaphor in a computer MIDI program like this seems unnecessarily obtuse. MIDInous makes more sense to me to do something like this, although it may lack the flexibility.
  3. I have not tried it, but I read on another forum that it creates a MIDI device in your OS.
  4. For sure Tracy Collins' Lap Steel. Mallet Flux?
  5. Actually when I loaded up the full program (after purchase) I used a synth bass and pad, but threw in classical guitar for chords, sample based orchestral strings for additional pad, and cello piz for one of the "arp like" selections. Sounded good to me after some twiddling of the dials, octaves, etc. Worth the $30 IMO. I did try the demo first but it is limited to two tracks, as well as apparently crashing my DAW after 10 uses of the "generate" function ?. No issues so far with the full program for me, but there is another Studio One Windows user over on KVR that is having trouble with the MIDI drag and drop (again, works fine for me). As far as the "official" demos sounds/genre, if you look at the publisher's site (WA Productions), you will see that they definitely target the EDM etc crowd. I use the term EDM -very- broadly. I am old.
  6. That is the offer I got as well, only priced in USD ($269). Interesting that they give us Yanks a break. I owned Analog Lab 5 and Pigments 3. After some research I went for it, and I am very happy with it. I mean, 10K new presets and all the tweaking you could want. I started going through them A-Z to mark favorites and I am still on the ARP 2600 because I get carried away. Anyway, digging through old forum posts it looked to me like you could get it for about $200 on BF 2019, and $250 BF 2020. I decided it was a good enough deal for me.
  7. I tried the demo from PB and while I think the tool might be worthwhile, the demo has a problem with Studio One 5.4 (unless it is by design). There is a countdown indicator in the lower left of the window. Exactly what it counts down, I do not know, maybe hitting the re-gen button. Anyway, when it got to 0, it completely locked up Studio One and I had to kill the process in Windows task manager. At any rate, the YT vids look good. My biggest complaint is the color palette, and the fact that is carries in to the PDF document as well. Blah. Likely I will get it before the PB freebie expires anyway
  8. Best of luck with the endeavor Reid. We will definitely miss the BF list, but the book sounds really interesting! Great title. I can't be the only person here that abhors FB though, so don't let that be the only gauge of your popularity
  9. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1727420/Midinous/ Something new and different (it has been available as a free web based app during development). $25 on STEAM of all places 10% off until Oct 5. The MIDI goodies just keep rolling in.
  10. Well, I got a fast answer! Hi Brian, Unfortunately we can only sell this as a bundle. Best regards, APD Support. My wallet is grateful.
  11. Have you checked if you can get only the missing pieces? I have Sketchpad and Melodics. I could not find anything on APD.
  12. Honestly happy to hear that it might be worthwhile. The graphic appearance and marketing shtick stopped me from looking further at it. I love XO and it is well worth the $$, but I might not have given it a close look if it featured a jumping monkey. ?
  13. I'm a sucker for MIDI tools. Gonna be patient until I hear a bit of feedback though. Thanks for the tip! ?
  14. Submitted ONLY for your amusement. Are these they guys that sell MIDI chords? The grossly overpriced "limited run" thing has a familiar ring to it. https://drummonkey.unison.audio/launch Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4pDe28wFeo
  15. Considering how much YouTube content I have bailed on in the first two minutes, your interview with Tracy was a gem, and kept me up too late because I had to see (and hear) every minute. I have loved all the Indiginus stuff since I "discovered" them, and it was wonderful to see the artist behind the works. Excellent job. ??
  16. REALLY nice update. After poking around for the past half hour, I really like the GUI changes. Talk about variety- this is a 180 degree change from the "All Melda plug-ins look alike" criticism. Just in MTurboDelay alone, 40 of the pre-sets have their own custom GUI's. Insane! Here are six snaps from MTdelay pre-sets:
  17. $39 - not sure when the price goes up. https://babyaud.io/taip-plugin It will have to be freaking awesome to get me to buy yet another tape emulator. Free trial available.
  18. IK servers must be getting hammered again. I opened Custom Shop this morning to bathe in my riches, and got "Owned gear 0". Cardiac arrest! I hit Restore Purchases a couple times with no change. CPR commenced. Sinus rhythm established after about five minutes when CS refreshed and gave my goodies back.
  19. Just used this yesterday. Not the most accurate tool, but small, light, simple, and under five bucks. The sale is valid from September 27th and will last only until September 28th at 21:00 (Italy time). Have a look at the countdown on our site and do not miss the chance to have our key and chord recognition tool for just 3,90€ Just go to https://www.hornetplugins.com to get the special price!
  20. Wayyy back in the early thread (I found some posts Aug 10) there were comments about making sure you don't sell a plug that was used to qualify for the GB, so just make sure you hang on to THOSE. Apparently if you transfer it/them, the "attached" GB's evaporate.
  21. https://www.tracktion.com/products/collective Discount code: FLASH600 Enter code during checkout. Sale ends Tuesday 9/28 at 11:59pm PDT
  22. Very similar approach for me as well, but along with Scarbee instruments and Abbey Road Drums, I did axe the pianos. I keep everything orchestral. I also took off most of the FX just to try to lighten the VST count, but that keeps creeping higher anyway due to this forum! Additionally, I have my most used libraries on an M2 drive and "the rest" on an SSD (until recently it was a spinning HD).
  23. This looks and sounds pretty good to me. There was a big ruckus in the VI forum about this one (and KH in general). I picked up KH Diamond Symphony on sale a while back. Good sounds, but kind of a difficult and dated interface. This looks pretty straightforward. Might even me simple enough for me to use.
  24. Looks like fun, and you can't beat the price. ?
  25. Yipes! If it gets to 22 I will have "wasted" my fourth buy-in, having secured the 68 plugs on offer that I didn't already have when it hit 16. Still though- All those toys for under $4 each is a screaming deal. I'm a happy camper! <edit> Actually I think I got >68 plug-ins. I forgot that TRacks had 5 and TRacks SE had I think 4 uniques included.
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